Poem: “Ouranophobia”

(A Fear of Heaven)

I laugh at toothless death; I fear it not;
For if the Savior rose so shall His own;
And He arose indeed. So I, blood-bought,
Find with my guilt that all my fear is gone.
Or almost all; one dread no deed removes:
The Holy Thing Isaiah saw I’ll hear
In Jesus’ voice, declaring whom He loves
And just how much; ah, that I greatly fear.
Not that I doubt the name He’ll sing is mine,
Oh no; but when that perfect music comes
And overwhelms my sense like surfeit wine,
Confusing with its gorgeous pipes and drums,
Then I shall cringe as clownish death draws near,
Afraid of ecstasy too great to bear.

Rolley Haggard

Rolley Haggard is manager at a software firm in South Carolina. Self-described as a "closet theologian", he freelances in his spare time on religious and social themes. His comments, articles, and poetry most often appear at Chuck Colson's BreakPoint website.
Rolley is a passionate pro-lifer as may be evinced from the titles of some of his works, including We Could End Abortion 'Overnight' if We Really Wanted To, and Louder than the Silent Scream: the Deafening Silence of our Pulpits. Rolley has advocated for the pre-born on conservative talk radio programs including the Steve Deace Show and Scott Hennen's Common Sense Club. During the 2012 Presidential Election season he and his wife of 38 years drove a "truth truck", emblazoned with graphic pictures of aborted babies, for the Center for Bio-ethical Reform.