
Calling all Catholics: Defend Your Brothers and Sisters in Syria

Calling all Catholics: Defend Your Brothers and Sisters in Syria


Catholics are supposed to be the champions of human rights. We are 25 percent of the U.S. population, yet Barack Obama was twice elected president and he wages numerous kinds of war both here and abroad. As Congress weighs Obama’s plan to bomb the Syrian people, Catholics and all Americans need to understand what’s at […]

Why Francis Proclaimed a Fast

Why Francis Proclaimed a Fast


This Saturday Pope Francis called for a day of fasting and prayer for peace, especially for the rapidly escalating (or deteriorating) situation in Syria.  Since these days are so seldom proclaimed, they present us a great opportunity to examine fasting in greater detail.  In todays age where fasting and penance are almost non-existent (sadly enough […]

Aristotle and Manna

Aristotle and Manna


To feed the Israelites during their wandering time in the desert, the Lord caused to appear on the ground a flaky substance that tasted like pancakes with honey. At its first appearance, the people quite sensibly asked what everyone asks upon seeing something new, “What is it?”  And that very question became their name for […]

Opportunities to Share the Faith:  Infant Baptism or "Baby Dedication"?

Opportunities to Share the Faith: Infant Baptism or “Baby Dedication”?


A great opportunity to share the Catholic faith with Protestants is when they bring up the ceremony that they call ‘Baby Dedication’. This is a ceremony in which the child’s parents, and sometimes their entire family (usually grandparents), make a public pronouncement and commitment before the Lord to raise their child to serve God, according […]

Prayer, Preaching and the Pain to Come

Prayer, Preaching and the Pain to Come


When was the last time any of us stood on a street corner or walked into a room filled with people and passionately proclaimed: “Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand!” (Matthew 3:2)?  The truth is that most of us never have or ever will.  But these words, preached by St. John the […]

The Greatness of St. Pius X

The Greatness of St. Pius X


The only way to describe something is “great.” Babe Ruth was great at baseball and anything less than great simply wouldn’t do it justice. Likewise, if you describe the pontificate of Guiseppe Sarto as anything below “great”, you should probably have your head examined. By any possible metric, his pontificate was a success, and there is a reason he was the first Pope to be canonized a saint since the 16th century.

What Five Star Christian Hospitality is About

What Five Star Christian Hospitality is About


Everything I ever needed to know about hospitality, I learned from my children. When their grandparents, friends or birthday party guests are scheduled to come, my children are beside themselves with excitement.  The front door is opened about as much times as I hear the question “When will they get here?” The neighborhood playmates, who […]

When a Saint Imitates a Saint

When a Saint Imitates a Saint


Throughout this Year of Faith it has become abundantly clear how important it is for each of us to live and to pray like Mary.  Why?  In the introduction to his October 1954 encyclical titled Ad Caeli Reginam, Pope Pius XII explains it this way: From the earliest ages of the catholic church a Christian […]

Marriage, Holy Matrimony, and Hylemorphism

Marriage, Holy Matrimony, and Hylemorphism


In my previous article, I discussed marriage, Holy Matrimony, catechesis, and the call of Catholic couples to live their marriage as a sacrament and a sign of contradiction. A part of that witness is in taking up our own crosses daily by making the small and sometimes even the big sacrifices for our spouses (and our children […]

I Used to Hate Mary

I Used to Hate Mary


When I was 18 years old, about nine years ago, two years before I entered the Church, I was laying in my bed late at night. Over the side of my bed I was holding a Rosary. At this point in my life I was not yet Catholic. Intellectually I wanted to become Catholic – […]

Why Don’t We Act Like Mary?

Why Don’t We Act Like Mary?


Today is the Feast of the Assumption in the Roman Catholic Church, as well as the Dormition of the Theotokos (the falling asleep of the Mother of God) in the Eastern Catholic and Orthodox Churches.  Much of the talk about the feast today will be centered on the theology and meaning of Mary’s bodily assumption […]

For Traditionalists, A Time To Listen

For Traditionalists, A Time To Listen


We may be mediocre, but with our gifts and the sacraments, we traditionalists look to rise above mediocrity. We only ask a chance a chance to let us do so.

Faith, Prayer, and the Example of Mary

Faith, Prayer, and the Example of Mary


Faith leads us into prayer and prayer leads us into God. When the Holy Spirit descends upon us in baptism and confirmation the light of faith is turned on within us.  It is renewed and brightened every time we are present for the epiclesis in Liturgy, share in the Eucharist, and sincerely seek God in […]

Three Popes, Three Missions

Three Popes, Three Missions


The election of Pope Francis was generally an occasion of joy around the world, especially for Catholics in Latin America. His call for simplicity and authenticity in living the Christian life has been received with enthusiasm. His intended mission as Holy Father seems to be to model Christian living in the 21st century. He urges […]

Why We Should Stop Saying "Radical Traditionalist" and "Rad Trad"

Why We Should Stop Saying “Radical Traditionalist” and “Rad Trad”


If they really want to help with these misunderstandings, the first thing they must do is the thing they will be least inclined to do: drop the moniker “radical traditionalist” and “radtrad” entirely. At best the phrase is a relic of a time that is no longer relevant. At worst, the term is creating animosity and perpetuating a growing sense of tribalism within Catholicism, especially in America.

Finding Jesus in the Cake Shop

Finding Jesus in the Cake Shop


Christine Kapadia comes from Gujarat in western India. Just like almost 90 per cent of the 60 million inhabitants of this state, she grew up as a Hindu, in a quite common Indian family. But what was rather unusual, was the lively interest she showed as a child in God. “When my father took me […]

A Life of “Unconnected Instants”

A Life of “Unconnected Instants”


The world is in disarray in large part because we have become a civilization of idol worshippers.  The never-ending pursuit of more money, better homes, everlasting leisure, career advancement, political dominance, greater celebrity, religious indifference, and a lack of a clear Christian identity are clouding our ability to sit in the silence where we can […]

A New Pentecost

A New Pentecost


What Catholics typically call “the First Pentecost” was actually a New Pentecost itself.

Totus Tuus Again…and Again

Totus Tuus Again…and Again


All around the World people are making final preparations for World Youth Day in July, my thoughts wandered back to its beginnings. It was Palm Sunday, 1984. Blessed John Paul II, speaking in Saint Peter’s Square said to the people, “What a fantastic spectacle is presented on this stage by your gathering here today! Who claimed […]

Why Confirmation?

Why Confirmation?


 In this column I have frequently referenced findings about the dismal way in which many Catholics look at the sacraments.  I think the problem is more than just the usual ranting and ravings about a liberal church, how horrible things are after Vatican II, true as all these clichés are.  Instead the problem stems from […]

The Struggle to Offer Hope and Help in Syria

The Struggle to Offer Hope and Help in Syria


A graphic account of the deepening human suffering and violence in Syria has come from a priest ministering to people in one of the areas worst affected by the conflict. In a report describing the devastated city of Homs, the priest details his desperate struggle to provide basic food, shelter and medicine to more than […]

How to Host a Catholic Party

How to Host a Catholic Party


Some of the fondest memories I have of this past year are the dinner parties I hosted at my house on liturgical feast days. They are memories of friendship, laughter, communion and a full heart. I thought I had come up with this wonderful idea of hosting saint day parties on my own, until I […]

Real Talk for Engaged Couples

Real Talk for Engaged Couples


By the time this column is published, this author will have participated in the sacrament of marriage.  While I do not know what the future has in store for me, I do believe that the experiences I had in the past 14 months (our time of engagement) have been God preparing me for the married […]

We Walk Into The World With Him

We Walk Into The World With Him


The Sacred Liturgy is rich in ritual and ceremony, and that is fitting. It is the meeting of heaven and earth. It is humanity’s encounter with God that happens in no other on earth. In the Mass earthly bonds are transcended, and the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is re-presented. We are there by […]