
Why We Need to Think Liturgically

Why We Need to Think Liturgically


What is the best way to teach the faith?  This is a question that has been on the mind of many thinkers lately, especially in light of what Ralph Martin calls the “institutional collapse” in American Catholicism.  This question should be considered anew in light of recent research into the behavior of young Catholics in […]

The Bad Evangelist Club:  Win the Debate, Lose the Soul

The Bad Evangelist Club: Win the Debate, Lose the Soul


Before my conversion I engaged everyone I knew to see what they thought about everything I was discovering about Catholics. I had just finished reading Scott Hahn’s Rome Sweet Home and wanted to employ some of the tactics and sayings that worked for him on my opponent.   The usual reaction was one of apathy and […]

Destroyed Wedding Cake

Pope Francis Tackles the Marriage Epidemic


Much has been made of Catholics’ negativism toward Church teaching and practice on marriage as it was reflected in survey results released by several European bishops’ conferences and some U.S. dioceses. The mostly self-selected respondents predictably disagreed with the Church about many things, leading progressive Catholic media to claim this showed the need for change. […]

The Romance of Religion

Book Review: The Romance of Religion by Dwight Longenecker


Ever “evolving”, “progressing” — or so he believes — the modern intellectual mentality slithers out of the sea of mystery, clambering from arrogant skepticism to jaded cynicism, until exhausted of wit and verve, it reaches the hard shore of “reason”.  And there on the flat landscape it flutters, just out of reach of the lapping […]

Become Holy This Lent by Being Yourself

Become Holy This Lent by Being Yourself


When Catholics talk about Lent, we usually talk about what we are going to change in our lives.  We view our lives as deficient, and in order to improve them, we must either subtract (give something up) or add (take on extra prayers, devotions, etc) to our lives to grow in holiness.  This has been […]

Change is in Us

Change is in Us


In a way, the whole message of the Gospel is summarized by the Triduum. Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil are themselves paralleled, too, by long swaths of human history. Humanity was in communion with God, and then fell into sin and denial of God, only to have God go very far to […]

Paul in Arabia: The Wilderness of Damascus

Paul in Arabia: The Wilderness of Damascus


At once the Spirit drove him out into the desert, and he remained in the desert for 40 days, tempted by the devil.  He was among wild beasts, and the angels ministered to him. —Mk 1:12-13 “A veil of thick darkness hangs over Paul’s visit to the Arabia.” [1]  The Reverend George Rawlinson, a 19th-century […]

Reform of the Reform 2.0?

Reform of the Reform 2.0?


Over the past two weeks, the “reform of the reform” has found its way in the news, and in a lot of discussion within the Catholic commentariat.  It all started when Fr. Thomas Kocik, one of the leading lights of the reform of the reform, wrote an article stating that the current reform movement was […]

Escaping the Catholic Church Through False Justification

Escaping the Catholic Church Through False Justification


Eve knew very well what God had commanded her and Adam, but the text tells us that she had found the tree of knowledge of good and evil good to be pleasing to the eyes and desirable for gaining wisdom (Cf. Gen 3:6). It doesn’t take a whole lot for us to find justification to […]

Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, The Joy of the Gospel

Front Row With Francis: February 19, 2014


“Be courageous, and go to confession,” was the message Pope Francis delivered at his Weekly General Audience on Wednesday, February 19, 2014.  This was the seventh General Audience of the year, part of a cycle of weekly talks dedicated to the Church’s Sacraments. In his straightforward way, Francis called on those present to silently ask […]

Reject Pride, Return to Christ

Reject Pride, Return to Christ


When I was young, it was fashionable to grow a beard and long hair, put on a tie-dyed t-shirt, faded jeans and head off to Europe to “find oneself.” Often I wondered what would happen if those searchers didn’t like the inner-self they found? At a personal level, I had already met my inner self, in […]

The Bad Evangelist Club:  How NOT to Refute Sola Scriptura

The Bad Evangelist Club: How NOT to Refute Sola Scriptura


When discussing the arguments against Sola Scriptura, we Catholics have a lot of strong arguments.  Here at The Bad Evangelist Club, we help you to avoid bad arguments like the one below so the good ones have more credibility. The Argument Any debate around Sola Scriptura will focus on 2 Timothy 3:14-17, which goes as […]

Five Christian Ways to Celebrate Valentine's Day

Five Christian Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day


I am not a fan of Valentine’s Day. I’m not the most sentimental person around so I have always found the day to be not much more than a trite, commercialized excuse to sell greeting cards.  But like most things in life, there are always deeper Gospel connections than what we see on the surface. […]

How Shepherds Smell Like Their Sheep

How Shepherds Smell Like Their Sheep


One of the phrases people quote about Pope Francis is his exhortation that “shepherds must smell like their sheep.”  If you ask ten people what this means, you will likely get ten different answers.  Nobody can agree upon what it means, but everyone can agree it is something important.  I believe that as always, the […]

St. Jerome Emiliani

St. Jerome Emiliani


ST. JEROME EMILIANI was a member of one of the patrician families of Venice, and, like many other Saints, in early life a soldier. He was appointed governor of a fortress among the mountains of Treviso, and whilst bravely defending his post, was made prisoner by the enemy. In the misery of his dungeon he […]

Saint Pope Pius X

St. Pius X and the Church of Nice


In today’s polarized Church, we like to label that which we don’t like.  We need to tell people we are the pure, and they are the impure.  A lot of Catholics do this by labeling those they disagreed with “radical traditionalists” or “radtrad”, even though more often than not these Catholics were faithful Catholics in […]

United in Heart and Soul to Our Beloved

United in Heart and Soul to Our Beloved


Aimed at greater intimacy than the one-flesh union, married love “leads to forming one heart and soul,” states the Catechism. (Section 1643). How do married couples become one in heart and soul, especially when the demands of daily life keep getting in the way? Becoming One Heart Talk to your beloved about what’s in your […]

Why Priests Should Celebrate the Extraordinary Form

Why Priests Should Celebrate the Extraordinary Form


One of the things I enjoy the most about my job here is interacting with priests.  It’s really humbling to know that some of the guys who instruct the souls from the pulpit every Sunday work with me on publishing their next column, or even read my columns and take some of the advice.  Lay […]

A Whale of an Argument

A Whale of an Argument


Have you heard the argument against the existence of God based on the size of the universe? You might find it strange that an argument against God would be constructed based on the enormity of space — something that elicits awe and wonder. But it is, and it goes like this: You see how big the […]

The Bad Evangelist Club:  33,000 Denominations

The Bad Evangelist Club: 33,000 Denominations


*Editor Note:  Starting this month we will be introducing a new series at Catholic Lane.  Known as The Bad Evangelist Club, we will be providing an examination of conscience so to speak for Catholic efforts at Evangelization and Apologetics.  We will do so by reflecting on the bad arguments being made (often by the writers […]

By What Authority - Carousel

Book Review: By What Authority by Mark Shea


Resolve to read “By What Authority?” in 2014.

Shattered and Reborn

Shattered and Reborn


I once asked a priest what my life would have been like if I had not experienced suffering, if I had married a well-off dentist, had 1.25 kids and lived in an efficient, modern house. He put on a phony, pious face, put his hands together in prayer, and said in a high, mocking voice […]

The Link Between Catechesis and Liturgy

The Link Between Catechesis and Liturgy


From time to time in various debates about the liturgy, the principle of lex orandi lex credendi surfaces.  While the Latin might be a little off putting, the Catechism of the Catholic Church defines the concept as follows:  When the Church celebrates the sacraments, she confesses the faith received from the apostles – whence the ancient […]

My Son’s Discernment and His Call for Confession

My Son’s Discernment and His Call for Confession


The art of daily discernment is a practice and a virtue that many of us tend to forget and at times ignore. By definition the act of discernment from the Latin meaning discernere means one’s ability to distinguish what is happening around them whether positive or negative and to move toward a sound resolution of […]