Author Archive for Anabelle Hazard, Esq.

practicing Catholic, non-practicing lawyer, homeschooler, novelist, blogger and thanks to Catholic Lane, now a writer.

Patron of Compulsive Shopping Disorders

Patron of Compulsive Shopping Disorders


As a cradle Catholic, I’ve had the privilege of learning about and praying for the intercession of many saints for all my life.   Lose my keys again?  Calling on Saint Anthony.  Test coming up?  St. Joseph of Cupertino to the rescue. Pregnancy issues?  Alternate between St. Gerard Magella and St. Raymond Nonatus. Husband unemployed?  […]

What Five Star Christian Hospitality is About

What Five Star Christian Hospitality is About


Everything I ever needed to know about hospitality, I learned from my children. When their grandparents, friends or birthday party guests are scheduled to come, my children are beside themselves with excitement.  The front door is opened about as much times as I hear the question “When will they get here?” The neighborhood playmates, who […]

Some Basic Combox Decency Guidelines

Some Basic Combox Decency Guidelines


I have a love/hate relationship with the comment box.  On my blog where it’s moderated and readers are spiritually mature and have attended Combox-Finnishing school, I can kick my shoes off and put my feet up like I do on my sister’s coffee table. But elsewhere on the world wide web, writing about politics or […]

Why People With a Colorful Past Evangelize

Why People With a Colorful Past Evangelize


I’m not wildly enthusiastic about showing my children pictures of me between 16 years old and 26, a full decade when I was the walking epitome of what not to be when you are young, single, and clueless about your Catholic faith. I didn’t exactly punk-out Duran Duran style in the eighties but I did […]

The Superpower of a Grandmother

The Superpower of a Grandmother


When I think of grandmothers, I think of fingers. My 96 year old maternal grandmother hardly remembers my name, but I still remember the years I watched her fingers plying the rosary beads one by one for each of her grandchildren. Around her twisty bed post, she’d drape her rose-scented brown rosary, marked with a […]

What Alabama’s Politics Could Teach the Rest of the Country

What Alabama’s Politics Could Teach the Rest of the Country


When we first announced to friends and family our decision to move from Las Vegas to rural Alabama, you would have thought we said we were all growing bushy beards to live as hermits in a cave, way over in Mars, with Forrest Gump as our cult leader.  But time has proven that:  in the […]

Facebook Friends vs. True Friends

Facebook Friends vs. True Friends


During the early years of Facebook mania, I posted pics of my kids, events, travels, anecdotes and chanted with the universal FB voice: “Look how great I am; how amazing my life is; how many people like me!” While I really wanted to post about how great God is, a social network broadcasting my religious […]

From Fashion Icon to Fashion Victim

From Fashion Icon to Fashion Victim


Shopping for dresses for my seven-year-old daughter is as epically frustrating as trying to find cell phone service in an elevator.   Everything is too short, too skimpy, too adult, too sexy, too much! The fashion industry apparently thinks seven-year-olds should start dressing like Victoria’s Secret catalogue model-wannabes.  Like me at 20 years old! Yes, (*strike […]

Sanctifying Chores without Going Bananas

Sanctifying Chores without Going Bananas


If bananas thrived in Alabama, my family and I would be eating banana leaves using bare hands every single meal.  Scratch that.  For all meals, we’d have bananas all day long so I can dispense with cooking. Then we’d all have to wear disposable banana leaves uniforms as clothes every single day.  Also, anyone under […]

Let Who Plan My Family?

Let Who Plan My Family?


Four was our magic number. Before my husband and I got married, we’d both agreed we wanted four children, and since gender couldn’t be planned, we didn’t care what kind we’d have. For the first two years of our marriage, I was busy preparing for the bar exam so we’d held off on kids until […]