Tag: "same-sex marriage"

The “Rugby Equality Bill” (AKA the “Redefinition of Rugby” Act)

The “Rugby Equality Bill” (AKA the “Redefinition of Rugby” Act)


Rugby is a game played by most boys in New Zealand in their childhood, though some don’t want to play it at all. A significant section of the community have always preferred to play a different sport, like soccer. But Rugby gets all the status in New Zealand, commanding all the respect. So much so […]

How the Contraceptive Mindset Helped Pave the Way to Same-Sex “Marriage”

How the Contraceptive Mindset Helped Pave the Way to Same-Sex “Marriage”


After looking at the comments left on my last post, Was Jesus Really Silent on Same-Sex “Marriage”?, I recognized the need to be more explicit on a point. Even though the gospels record only a few statements from Jesus regarding marriage, it is enough to undercut any claim by Christians that marriage should be redefined […]

Liberal Tyranny and the Cluck Heard ‘Round the World

Liberal Tyranny and the Cluck Heard ‘Round the World


Writer Sinclair Lewis is credited with saying, “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.” Close, but not quite. Truth is, fascism has come to America; but it’s wrapped in a rainbow flag and waving, well, let’s just say it sure ain’t waving a cross. With its […]

Equal Persons, Unequal Acts

Equal Persons, Unequal Acts


Those pushing the redefinition of marriage insist that all they want is equality. After all, aren’t persons with same-sex attraction equal as human beings to those without. Why should they be discriminated against? Of course they are human beings with all the rights of other human beings. The problem is not that the people aren’t […]

The Marriage Debate is More Than Just a Word Game

The Marriage Debate is More Than Just a Word Game


President Obama’s announcement this May that he supports same-sex marriage underlines the urgent need for the Church to launch a massive new program to educate Catholics on the nature of sacramental marriage and on the vast difference between a marriage like that and civil marriage. The Church should also continue to participate in the debate […]

Halftime in Washington State:  My Memoire of the Marriage War

Halftime in Washington State: My Memoire of the Marriage War


In 32 States We the People of the United States have managed to bring the issue of traditional marriage to a vote.  So far we’re batting 1000.  But if a State exists in the USA where same-sex-marriage might win approval from a majority of the voters, that electorate is out west in Washington. The culture […]

The Nature Of Marriage Is Not Defined By Popular Whim

The Nature Of Marriage Is Not Defined By Popular Whim


The debate over “social issues” in the United States recently brought many important topics, those typically reserved for the backburner in American politics, to the national stage for the first time in a long time. With the focus of the media shifting towards these issues, however, we have seen vicious attacks from political pundits, and […]

The Death of Reason: SSM in Washington State

The Death of Reason: SSM in Washington State


Perhaps the title is a bit alarmist. The decision by the state legislature to redefine marriage may not actually be the death of reason, but more evidence of it. What’s interesting is that a body of legislators who have, presumably, told their own children that “I want it” is not sufficient reason, have been completely bamboozled […]

UN Secretary General Tells African Nations to Adopt LGBT Rights

UN Secretary General Tells African Nations to Adopt LGBT Rights


Last week UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon told African nations to repeal criminal laws that places sanctions on homosexual conduct and to stop discrimination because of sexual orientation or gender identity. Ban Ki-moon addressed the 54 African nations at the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa on January 29. He urged the countries in attendance […]

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The Reversal of Proposition 8: A Dangerous Precedent


The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has acted to reverse the democratic decision of the people of California to confine marriage to its traditional parameters of a man and a woman. In making this decision, the court decided that it could overturn the will of the people of California on the basis of what is […]

Court Rules California Amendment Defending Marriage is ‘Unconstitutional’

Court Rules California Amendment Defending Marriage is ‘Unconstitutional’


This morning, a panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled by a 2-1 vote that a California constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman is unconstitutional. In an 89-page ruling that cited William Shakespeare and Marilyn Monroe, Judge Stephen Reinhardt wrote, “Proposition 8 serves no purpose, and […]

You are Accountable: Address to Wash. State Lawmakers on Same-Sex Marriage

You are Accountable: Address to Wash. State Lawmakers on Same-Sex Marriage


I am here today to address those of you who have already made up your minds to redefine marriage.  History will not be kind to you.  Previous generations of social experimenters have caused unimaginable misery for millions of people.  Particular people advocated the policies that led to today’s 50% divorce rate and 40% out of […]

Gay Marriage Coming After the Church

Gay Marriage Coming After the Church


A Gay Marriage Equality bill (read SB 6239) has been introduced this month in Washington State. The measure is deceptive and exceedingly dangerous. It represents a radical shift in the definition of marriage, and it would pose a serious threat to religious freedom. … The bill’s introduction says it would not force clergy or churches to marry […]

The World’s Worst and Best Ideas

The World’s Worst and Best Ideas


As a writer, I find that my thoughts quickly turn into articles in my head. A recent at-rest thought was:  What are the worst ideas in the world? High heels were my first thought. Heels prove that vanity lacks wisdom. Feet are for walking; high heels are anti-walking so regardless of what’s in your shoe […]

The "Wrong Side" of History

The “Wrong Side” of History


Countless times I have been warned about how miserable I will be when I discover that civilization has passed me by, while I sit, frothing from the mouth, beating my cane against my rocker, clinging to archaic notions about sexuality and marriage. So, for those inclined to issue the same warning again, or for those […]

Same-sex "Marriage" v. Grandma

Same-sex “Marriage” v. Grandma


Over the next several months, you will likely be asked how same-sex “marriage” will affect you. This question is asked because those trying to redefine marriage would like you to believe that it will have no impact on anyone whose names do not appear on the same-sex “marriage” license. They argue that this is a […]

New York 'Gay Marriage’ Law Challenged in Court

New York ‘Gay Marriage’ Law Challenged in Court


New York’s newly-enforced law recognizing same-sex “marriage” is being challenged by lawyers who say the state’s constitutional and legal procedures were “flagrantly” violated when lawmakers pushed the bill through last month. Liberty Counsel has filed a lawsuit in the New York Supreme Court for declaratory and injunctive relief against the law that was signed on […]

“Gay Rights” Forecast: Expect Havoc

“Gay Rights” Forecast: Expect Havoc


With liberal activists emboldened by their recent legislative victory in New York (where a same-sex “marriage” bill was passed into law on June 24th) one can reasonably expect to see efforts redoubled to further promote the “gay rights” agenda nationally.  With this in mind I’d like to offer some observations. Victory for Freedom?   In […]

Lessons from New York

Lessons from New York


In the political battle that ended last week with New York’s legalization of gay marriage, Catholic defenders of man-woman marriage found themselves pitted against an unlikely batch of adversaries: fellow Catholics. Gov. Andrew Cuomo — who, like his father, has spent his career touting his Catholic credentials while ignoring church teachings that clash with his […]

"Gay Marriage": New York’s Latest Love Canal

“Gay Marriage”: New York’s Latest Love Canal


Acrimonious and bitter is the fight in America about giving legal approval to gay and lesbian sexual activity.  Polarization about putting same-sex unions on a par with traditional marriage pits members of New York City’s elite against one another.  Catholic Archbishop Timothy Dolan said he was “very disappointed, very saddened and very worried” by the […]

Testimony for Minnesota State Senate Hearings on Same Sex Marriage

Testimony for Minnesota State Senate Hearings on Same Sex Marriage


Prepared remarks for the Judiciary Committee of the Minnesota State Senate, hearings on same sex marriage Dr Jennifer Roback Morse, founder and president of the Ruth Institute, a project of the National Organization for Marriage April 29, 2011 St.  Paul Minnesota www.ruthinstitute.org   We are here to consider giving the citizens of the State of […]

Does Promoting the Family Make Cent$?

Does Promoting the Family Make Cent$?


Is promotion of the family a common good and profitable? These questions appear to be the point of contention for corporate America due to confusion in the definition of “family.” Consider the Human Rights Commission report (buying guide) of companies that promote the lesbian and gay agenda versus those that do not. The Human Rights Commission […]

If The Judge Ain’t Straight You Must Vacate

If The Judge Ain’t Straight You Must Vacate


Proposition 8 is an amendment to California’s State Constitution. It was passed by a comfortable margin via ballot initiative in 2008. Prop 8 maintained the age-old definition of marriage in the Golden State as requiring binary male-female compatibility. It remains tied-up in Federal Court today.   Back in February of 2010 it became rumored that retired […]

Defending Traditional Marriage: Washington State vs. Maine -- 2009

Defending Traditional Marriage: Washington State vs. Maine — 2009


“As Maine goes, so goes the nation.” On election day, November 2009, the Pine Tree State harkened back to its old bellwether status — at least on the issue of same sex marriage. Defying the governor, the legislature, and the other powers-that-be (except the churches), stalwart citizens upheld the historical definition of marriage. By a […]