Tag: "same-sex marriage"

Mock ‘Marriage’ and the Death of Freedom

Mock ‘Marriage’ and the Death of Freedom


While poorly decided U.S. Supreme Court cases are a dime a dozen, prior to last Wednesday, two stood out among the most wretched and constitutionally groundless in American History. First was the 1857 Dred Scott decision. Among other things, it robbed African-Americans of both their U.S. citizenship and their dignity. Next came the 1973 ruling […]

'Gay' Marriage and Contraception

‘Gay’ Marriage and Contraception


In view of the June 26 Supreme Court decisions on “gay” marriage, it is time for serious Catholics to examine how this perverted situation came to pass. Let’s start with the use of the word “gay” and American Life League’s internal style guide. At ALL, we never use the word “gay.” The guide states that […]

Rainbow Flag March

Liberals Embrace Fatherless (and Motherless) Families


Think about it: married female-female parents will be households without dads.

Scalia: SCOTUS Decision Declares Marriage Supporters ‘Enemies of the Human Race’

Scalia: SCOTUS Decision Declares Marriage Supporters ‘Enemies of the Human Race’


In a scathing dissenting opinion released yesterday, Justice Antonin Scalia lambasted his fellow Supreme Court Justices for striking down a critical part of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and predicted that it will only be a matter of time before the court finds a Constitutional right to gay “marriage.” Scalia labeled Wednesday’s decision “jaw-dropping,” […]

Homosexuality and the Theology of the Body Part I

Homosexuality and the Theology of the Body Part I


Polls show that most young people today, even those who identify themselves as Christians, have no problem with “same-sex marriage.” If young people today are at all aware of what the Catholic Church teaches about marriage and human sexuality, what they think they know is often only a caricature of the truth. They see it as […]

Pres. Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan: Same-Sex Marriage Advocate?


Reagan was silent on same-sex marriage, as was everyone of his generation.

President Obama and 'Equality'

President Obama and ‘Equality’


As all the world surely knows by now, “equality” is the ideological key to President Obama’s domestic policies. That all people are created equal, the president says, is the “most evident of truths.” Whether that’s so or not, it is unquestionably the case that you express any reservations whatsoever about equality these days at no […]

Same-Sex Marriage Approval Ratings

Same-Sex Marriage Approval Ratings


Surprise! Approval of same-sex marriage has risen sharply among Americans in just a few years–according to one poll, from 41% in favor in 2004 to nearly 60% now. Surprise! Some surprise. The same media trumpeting this change lately worked hard to bring it about. Major sectors of the communication industry, both news and entertainment, have […]

Marriage Issue Will Not Go Away

Marriage Issue Will Not Go Away


The panic in the ranks of some Republicans is a thing to behold.


Reaping the Whirlwind


A reflection on the deepening darkness that celebrates homosexual unions and activity. There is, among faithful Catholics, a dismay, and even an understandable anger at the events unfolding at the Supreme Court these past days related to gay unions. And even if the court were to uphold traditional marriage (which does not seem likely), or […]

Destroyed Wedding Cake

The Deconstruction of Marriage


Family is a flickering light in the evening of the West.

Bill and Hillary Clinton, October 11, 1975

Clintons’ Progress: Bill and Hillary Clinton Embrace Gay Marriage


No progressive 100 years ago could have conceived of gay marriage.

What Pope Francis Will Do

What Pope Francis Will Do


The surprising election of Pope Francis plainly was no surprise to the people who really counted: the cardinals, that is, who swiftly chose him on the first full day and fifth ballot of the conclave. While not a speed record, the timing showed the electors had no difficulty agreeing that the Archbishop of Buenos Aires […]

March for Marriage Set for Next Week in Washington DC

March for Marriage Set for Next Week in Washington DC


Much of the world looks to the United States for guidance on issues of social policy. The fact of abortion on demand in the U.S. has been a powerful example that other countries have continued to follow. Marriage is the latest battleground social issue in the U.S. and in many parts of the world. So, […]

Group Marriage is Next, Admits Dutch ‘Father’ of Same-Sex ‘Marriage’

Group Marriage is Next, Admits Dutch ‘Father’ of Same-Sex ‘Marriage’


Boris Dittrich, the homosexual activist called the “father” of the political movement in favor of Dutch same-sex “marriage”, has admitted that group marriages of three or more people, is the next, inevitable logical step in the dismantling of the western world’s traditional marriage laws. In a video interview with Yagg, the French online homosexual magazine, […]

GOP Elites and the Abolition of Marriage

GOP Elites and the Abolition of Marriage


Well, this is helpful. A clutch of Republican elites have run to the Supreme Court demanding the judiciary shut off debate on gay marriage. The story has predictably been front page news at the New York Times and in the world of the liberal media, the Times leading with this: More than two dozen Republicans […]

March for Marriage Planned as Supreme Court Hears Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Case

March for Marriage Planned as Supreme Court Hears Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Case


On March 26, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the Hollingsworth v. Perry case, which will determine if Proposition 8 – the 2008 ballot initiative protecting traditional marriage in California – is constitutional or not. Their decision will have grave implications for the entire nation.  A decision against Prop 8 would set a precedent for […]

From Their Own Mouths: LGBT Lobby Plans to 'Wholly Transform the Definition of Family'

From Their Own Mouths: LGBT Lobby Plans to ‘Wholly Transform the Definition of Family’


“Transforming the very fabric of society;” and “radically reordering society’s view of reality”: these are what “being queer” means to the ideologues behind the homosexual political movement that is currently sweeping through legislatures around the world. Is this the insane ranting of a right-wing Christian conspiracy theorist? Is it yet another “attack” by wicked Pope […]

The Supreme Court Looks at Marriage and Gender

The Supreme Court Looks at Marriage and Gender


Defenders of traditional marriage may not believe it, but the Supreme Court’s apparent intention to decide two important same-sex marriage cases by midyear may be a stroke of good fortune for their side. This timing means the Supreme Court’s first head-on tangle with this issue almost certainly will come before President Obama gets an opportunity […]

Abp. Carlo Maria Viganò

The Apostolic Nuncio Explains It All


Religious freedom, persecution, and martyrdom in the age of Obama. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the Vatican’s Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, is a well-traveled man, having served in Iraq, Kuwait, Great Britain, Strasbourg, Nigeria and, now, the United States. As a churchman and a diplomat, the Archbishop is in a unique position to analyze […]

Gay Marriage Fallout: Will We Become a Nation of Bastards?

Gay Marriage Fallout: Will We Become a Nation of Bastards?


Gay “marriage” hijacks the definition of mother and father and turns these words into the gender neutral “parent” in family law. You may recall that in 2011 the Department of State tried to change children’s passport applications from “mother” and “father” to “Parent 1” and “Parent 2” in a bow to LGBT pressure. Thankfully, conservative outcry was able […]

Re-imagining Shepherds

Re-imagining Shepherds


What comes to your mind when you hear the familiar Bible passage from Luke 2:8-10, where the angels appear to the shepherds to proclaim the birth of a savior and His peace? Do you picture cute, little, cherub-faced boys and girls? Do you imagine shepherds that look like those sappy Precious Moments figurines you see […]

The Freedom to Marry: a Liberal Value That Conservatives Should Shun

The Freedom to Marry: a Liberal Value That Conservatives Should Shun


First published October 12, 2012 at dailycaller.com. A few months ago, a new group launched called “Young Conservatives for the Freedom to Marry.” This is a group sponsored by a larger organization called “Freedom to Marry.” The objective of these groups is to promote gay marriage. These young conservatives have been beguiled by leftist language, […]

My Fellow Christian Americans…I am Confused

My Fellow Christian Americans…I am Confused


All of us are immersed in this politically charged atmosphere.  Like lightning hitting dry brush, words can easily set off a firestorm. There are some who love this climate, mostly politicians I imagine, or perhaps those who have something to gain financially or otherwise in the process or outcome.  The rest of us begrudgingly tolerate […]