Poem: “Mum”

(written as a tribute to a mother upon her death overseas by her priest son on assignment here in America. Posted with permission from her son.)

My Mum is gone
The sad words say.
Gone is she on this darkest of days.

Brightness no more will dwell upon me.
My heart is gone with a crater there instead.

Gone is she this lovely lady.
Spirit and grace and truth she was.
But more than that she has always been,
My Mum….the center of my life.

In torment she bore me
In love she caressed me
She nurtured and taught
In a loving way

Feed me she did but more than just food.
She filled me with love and faith.

For God was her companion….everyday.
And Him she gave to me.

At her knee my world began to form.
At her knee my path began to set.
Slowly, so slowly till it wended its way
To the place where I find me today.

Gone she is
But it will never be so.
Because by my birth
She is always in me.

Moan I will and I will cry aloud.
My tears will flow
As well they should.

But in the end I will know.
That she is here
In me.
Where she has ever been

There is naught that I will forget,
Of the life she lived.
Joy and pain, she knew both well
And handled each in her four score years
With grace and love and faith.

Now she must wait for me,
Where she is.
In the place she longed to see.
With all of her kinsmen and her beloved

Join them I will one fine day
Perhaps when I am old and gray.
Or even sooner
It is for the Lord to say.

The grief and pain will cease one day
And happiness will find me again.
For in my heart I know where she is
And happy is all she can be.
There at the feet of Jesus and Mary.

Praise God


Catherine Ukwuoma Ebido
Entered into eternal Rest
May 27, 2009

Contributed by L. Lapiz

L.Lapiz retired after 38 years in the of fire protection industries and services.  Other than marriage and the birth of his children, the outstanding events in his life were visiting Fatima and meeting Mother Theresa.