Poem: “If I Had But an Hour with You”

If I Had But an Hour with You

If I had but an hour with Youvisit jesus
It would be as a dream come true
To sit at your feet and gaze upon You
’Twould be joy beyond measure.

But alas, it is not to be
Not now whilst I am living.
This joy, this joy is yet to be
In a time somewhere ahead of me.

But I still dream of my hour with You,
And I know how it will be
Full of joy and contentment
And a peace that is beyond belief.

So I will wait my time of loving you
With the full of what I am.
I give my all to You
Imperfectly as a man.

When the twilight comes,
So it will be,
And morning will not linger,
But come bursting through
With a blast of light.
Behold, life begins anew.

And there will I be,
With You, my love,
At last it is upon me,
The moment, my dream,
It has come true—
My hour to gaze upon you.

So for now I wait,
And I dream
And try to be who I am,
A sinful man with a burning soul,
Seeking the only true love.

L. Lapiz

L.Lapiz retired after 38 years in the of fire protection industries and services.  Other than marriage and the birth of his children, the outstanding events in his life were visiting Fatima and meeting Mother Theresa.