Poem: “Chance”


We can’t go on the way we go,
In moving darkness ruin grows,
Living in my eighth decade
I see the bedlam we have made

What’s to stop the monstrous form
That we have made, already born
Engendered of a crippled lust
Conceived within time’s uterus

Matured become the king or queen
Or both, a monster never seen
Before, chimera, monster, freak,
A thousand mouths, one throat that speaks?

We can’t go on and yet we will
As if the form ahead stood still –
It moves with us as we advance
Into the darkness we call chance

June 12, 2011

Pavel Chichikov is a Washington DC-based poet and photographer. He has written for both the secular and the Catholic press on issues as diverse as Russian nuclear weapons systems, Olympic athletes, and miracles. His books include From Here to Babylon: Poems by Pavel Chichikov,  Lion Sun: Poems by Pavel Chichikov, Mysteries and Stations in the Manner of Ignatius, and Animal Kingdom. Pavel may be heard reading his works on catholicradiointernational.com and on pavelreads.com. His poetry regularly appears on "The Poetry of Pavel Chichikov."