Category: Life Issues & Bioethics

'Gay' Marriage and Contraception

‘Gay’ Marriage and Contraception


In view of the June 26 Supreme Court decisions on “gay” marriage, it is time for serious Catholics to examine how this perverted situation came to pass. Let’s start with the use of the word “gay” and American Life League’s internal style guide. At ALL, we never use the word “gay.” The guide states that […]

When "Anti-Discrimination" Laws Become a Serious Danger

When “Anti-Discrimination” Laws Become a Serious Danger


The fight against “discrimination” reaches a new extreme in Germany, where the Bundesärztekammer (BÄK), a body representing the country’s healthcare professionals, has proposed to abolish a ban against homosexuals to act as blood donors. The BÄK announced its intention to work towards the lifting of this prohibition, which it described as “discriminatory”. The ban has, […]

Rainbow Flag March

Liberals Embrace Fatherless (and Motherless) Families


Think about it: married female-female parents will be households without dads.

Irish Abortion Bill Will End Lives to Promote False “Right”

Irish Abortion Bill Will End Lives to Promote False “Right”


This is how crazy the situation has become in Ireland. The abortion bill that is nearing a vote on the Emerald Isle is being pushed by politicians who promised not to do what they are now doing. OK, maybe this is not shocking anymore. But the bill is being sold as necessary to save the […]

Scalia: SCOTUS Decision Declares Marriage Supporters ‘Enemies of the Human Race’

Scalia: SCOTUS Decision Declares Marriage Supporters ‘Enemies of the Human Race’


In a scathing dissenting opinion released yesterday, Justice Antonin Scalia lambasted his fellow Supreme Court Justices for striking down a critical part of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and predicted that it will only be a matter of time before the court finds a Constitutional right to gay “marriage.” Scalia labeled Wednesday’s decision “jaw-dropping,” […]

US Bishops: 'Tragic Day For Marriage And Our Nation'

US Bishops: ‘Tragic Day For Marriage And Our Nation’


The U.S. Supreme Court decisions June 26 striking down part of the Defense of Marriage Act and refusing to rule on the merits of a challenge to California’s Proposition 8 mark a “tragic day for marriage and our nation,” said Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and […]

'Exit International' Founder Briefly Detained Before Holding UK Suicide Workshops

‘Exit International’ Founder Briefly Detained Before Holding UK Suicide Workshops


Australia’s leading euthanasia advocate, Dr. Philip Nitschke, was detained on Sunday night at London’s Gatwick Airport as he was attempting to enter the UK. He was held for over two hours overnight but eventually allowed to proceed. Dr. Nitschke has arrived to conduct his European “Nitro & Nembutal” workshops and speaking tour teaching people how […]

New Research: Unwanted Pregnancies Become Wanted Children

New Research: Unwanted Pregnancies Become Wanted Children


From the stage at the recent Women Deliver conference, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s daughter Chelsea revealed that her much-admired maternal grandmother was the child of unwed teenage parents who “did not have access to services that are so crucial that Planned Parenthood helps provide.” Chelsea’s grandmother was born of an unintended pregnancy. […]

Abortion and Racism in America

Abortion and Racism in America


Abortionist Douglas Karpen, who operates two abortion facilities in Houston, Texas, is currently under criminal investigation. His practice of twisting “babies’ heads off” their bodies in order to ensure that a late-term abortion results in death for the baby was discussed in exclusive live interviews with three of his former employees. And the fireworks began. […]

Punishing Kermit Gosnell

Punishing Kermit Gosnell


There may be some people who say that justice was not done when Kermit Gosnell, the infamous Philadelphia abortionist who was convicted in May for hundreds of crimes, including three counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of infants who survived late-term abortions, was sentenced to life in prison instead of the death penalty.  I […]

France: the Ugly Face of Gay-Fascism

France: the Ugly Face of Gay-Fascism


It is as foreseeable as it is unavoidable: a government that abuses its power to impose absurd and counter-natural laws such as on same-sex “marriages” will soon face massive protest. And given that such laws cannot be defended with rational arguments, those in power take recourse to violence and blatant human rights abuse. Sadly, France […]

Federal Judge Rules in Favor of Free Speech in Michigan

Federal Judge Rules in Favor of Free Speech in Michigan


The Thomas More Law Center today announces a victory in their lawsuit against teacher Johnson McDowell of Howell High School in Howell, Michigan.  Federal District Judge Patrick J. Duggan of the Eastern District of Michigan issued his opinion yesterday. The Court declared the teacher’s actions in punishing Daniel Glowacki for expressing his beliefs against homosexuality […]

Funding Restrictions Stifle Cloning Research

Funding Restrictions Stifle Cloning Research


Unlike many other countries, the United States has no federal restrictions on cloning. Scientists can clone human embryos as much as they want, provided they have the human eggs to do it, and in many states they could transfer those embryos to a female volunteer if they wanted. The only thing that we have in […]

China Ratchets Up One-Child Policy, Part II

China Ratchets Up One-Child Policy, Part II


Steven W. Mosher also contributed to this article. As the municipality of Huizhou, China, redoubles its efforts at population control, little girls, both born and unborn, are sure to die in large numbers. In Part I, we reported that the Centralized Services for Population and Family Planning of Huizhou was undertaking a new campaign to lower the birth […]

House Passes Nationwide Ban on Abortions After 20 Weeks

House Passes Nationwide Ban on Abortions After 20 Weeks


The House of Representatives has passed a bill that would restrict all abortions nationwide to the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. The “Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act” (H.R. 1797), introduced by Arizona Republica Trent Franks, would end abortion after the point when scientists agree unborn children can feel pain. In a nearly party-line vote, the […]

Dying for the Truth

Dying for the Truth


It never ceases to amaze me when people who refer to themselves as Catholic parse their words when discussing basic teachings of the Church. The impression is given that there is no such thing as indisputable truth, but rather an array of positions that are all equal and legitimate. While such attitudes may bring peace […]

200,000+ People Join Pope Francis for Mass Celebrating <em>Evangelium Vitae</em>

200,000+ People Join Pope Francis for Mass Celebrating Evangelium Vitae


Hundreds of thousands gathered in St. Peter’s Square and down the main Roman street that leads to the Vatican Sunday to join Pope Francis in celebrating a Mass commemorating Pope John Paul II’s 1995 famous encyclical, the ‘Gospel of Life.’ Known by it’s Latin name ‘Evangelium Vitae’, the encyclical clearly enunciated the evil of abortion, […]

Book Review: Rapunzel Let Down

Book Review: Rapunzel Let Down


Please note: Spoiler alert. Like her other novels, Regina Doman’s new book is based on a fairy tale, this time Rapunzel. As usual, Doman puts a modern spin to the story.  To her credit, though, she is able to give us a totally different story filled with twists and turns while at the same time […]

 China Ratchets Up One-Child Policy; Ignores Calls from Population Experts

China Ratchets Up One-Child Policy; Ignores Calls from Population Experts


Recent reports from the Guangdong province show coercion in China’s infamous one-child policy is once again on the rise. Women in the southern city of Huizhou, which has a population of 4 million, are being targeted for sterilization. Those who have one child are being forced to wear IUDs. Those who have two children are […]

"The Most Oppressed People in the World"

“The Most Oppressed People in the World”


Burma Imposes a Two-Child Policy on the Rohingya Burma, a secluded country of almost 60 million people, sits in the corner of Southeast Asia between India and China. Also known as Myanmar, Burma currently has a fertility rate of 2.21 children and, unique for its part of the world, does not suffer from sex-selection. Buddhists […]

House to Vote Next Week on 20-Week Abortion Ban

House to Vote Next Week on 20-Week Abortion Ban


The Judiciary Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives yesterday approved landmark legislation to provide nationwide protection for unborn children who are capable of feeling pain, beginning at 20 weeks fetal age.  Action by the full House is expected the week of June 17. “Because of publicity surrounding the trial of Kermit Gosnell and subsequent […]

New IVF Embryo Quality Control

New IVF Embryo Quality Control


In manufacturing, quality control (QC) is very important. A manufacturer always wants to put out the best product and eliminate defective merchandise. The same is true of IVF. With as many as 30 embryos created for every live birth, doctors are always on the look out for ways to separate the robust embryos from the […]

The Girl Scouts: A “Groundbreaking” Feminist Moment

The Girl Scouts: A “Groundbreaking” Feminist Moment


It’s hard to find two women more pro-abortion than Marlo Thomas and Amy Richards. But the Girl Scouts love ‘em. These two feminists headlined a recent Girl Scout-sponsored live screening and panel discussion of the “acclaimed documentary MAKERS,” a feminist, pro-abortion, video narrative of “trailblazing” women whose “pioneering contributions” changed America. What kind of pioneering contributions? I’ll get to that in a minute. (Amy Richards’ […]

<i>Vive La France</i>: It's About the Children

Vive La France: It’s About the Children


When we gaze across the pond at our European cousins, the general assumption is that we’re looking at our future. From food and fashion to politics and culture, Europe is on the cutting edge – the avant garde. Depending on your ideological sympathies, this is either seen as a good thing or a bad thing. […]