Category: Life Issues & Bioethics

Abortion Promoters Intent on Infiltrating Development Goals

Abortion Promoters Intent on Infiltrating Development Goals


The international abortion lobby has experienced twenty years of stalled progress at the UN, but an article by one of its leaders reveals their ongoing efforts to promote their agenda in the upcoming plan for global development. Françoise Girard, president of the International Women’s Health Coalition, describes efforts to advance the concept of “sexual and […]

A Path to Freedom and Peace for Young People With Addiction

A Path to Freedom and Peace for Young People With Addiction


The culture of death has many pillars and many faces. One such pillar, surely is the tragedy of drug and alcohol addiction. Not only does addiction slowly kill the addict (physically, spiritually and emotionally), but sexual impurity is often associated with drug and alcohol abuse, which leads to many unplanned pregnancies and abortions. A friend […]

Including People With Downs

Including People With Downs


A Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) news blog featured a story about A new line of clothing for people with Downs Syndrome has been launched. Karen Bowersox of Mentor OH, has developed a clothing line specifically for people with the condition. Being an advocate for people with disabilities, I took note of the story. It’s not […]

UK Quietly Opens the Door to Genetic Engineering, ‘Three-Parent’ Embryos

UK Quietly Opens the Door to Genetic Engineering, ‘Three-Parent’ Embryos


Last month the UK’s Department of Health quietly redefined the term “genetic modification” to open the door to allow certain kinds of modification of human embryos – thus potentially making it the first country in the world to allow genetic engineering. Scottish journalist Lori Anderson recently raised the alarm over the change in a column […]

Artificial Wombs, Real Consequences

Artificial Wombs, Real Consequences


The recent report by transhumanist Zoltan Istvan that scientists are well on their way to successfully creating artificial wombs has caused a stir in a number of circles. Ectogenesis, the scientific name for the process, was once merely a product of fiction. For most of us, however, the reality of artificial wombs is something we […]

Abortion Advocates Say Social Engineering Trumps Improving Health

Abortion Advocates Say Social Engineering Trumps Improving Health


“We do not mostly provide preventative medical care [or] cure diseases or prevent them. What we do is social change.”  So writes Daniel E. Pellegrom of Pathfinder International in a recent scholarly book marketed to educators, policymakers, and advocates for abortion and other aspects of “reproductive health.” Pathfinder boasts helping the Communist government in Beijing […]

Ignorant Slaves

Ignorant Slaves


Pattharamon Janbua is a surrogate mother who carried twins for an Australian couple. Upon learning that one of the twins had Down syndrome, the couple pressed Janbua to get an abortion. She refused and the couple chose to abandon that child and take only the healthy baby. This is a chilling story, but one with a happy ending […]

 The Abortion Breast Cancer Link: When Orthodoxy Trumps Science and Reason

The Abortion Breast Cancer Link: When Orthodoxy Trumps Science and Reason


In the debate surrounding the purported link between abortion and breast cancer (ABC link), there has arisen a core of individuals whose demeanor can best be described as zealous. This group has all but abandoned the core scientific principle of allowing themselves to be led, without prejudice, by the preponderance of the scientific data. It […]

‘Baby Gammy’ Raises Awareness for True Nature of ‘Surrogacy Motherhood’

‘Baby Gammy’ Raises Awareness for True Nature of ‘Surrogacy Motherhood’


After two weeks of media reports on baby Gammy, is difficult to discern which version of the story is the one we should believe. Is it true that the Australian couple, who used the services of a Thai “surrogate mom”, upon learning that one of the two children that the “surrogate mom” was expecting suffered […]

Nigerian Women Don’t Want What the U.S. is Peddling

Nigerian Women Don’t Want What the U.S. is Peddling


With a population of 177 million, Nigeria has long been a target of population controllers. It is listed in NSSM 200, the infamous Nixon/Kissinger document which launched the war on people, as a country of special concern. As such, it has gotten more than its share of the abortifacients, sterilizing agents, and contraceptives that the […]

Secretary General Launches Campaign for Abortion in Post-War Situations

Secretary General Launches Campaign for Abortion in Post-War Situations


The U.N. Secretary General waded into dangerous territory last month asking U.N. personnel in post-conflict situations to lobby for changes in abortion laws. Women should have a “choice of safe and legal abortion” according to a guidance note published by the Secretary General. The note on reparations for victims of rape in conflict situations says […]

In Defense of the Elders

In Defense of the Elders


Action, fantasy, westerns, or any movie including a hero and a villain will usually peek my interest. The Marvel films captured my imagination’s child-like side. The side which wants to believe in the ultimate triumph of good through the feats of a few broken yet resilient individuals who refuse to admit defeat for no other […]

A Special, Worldwide Church Focus on Family and Life

A Special, Worldwide Church Focus on Family and Life


One of the greatest privileges of my life was to work under Pope St. John Paul II at the Vatican during the late 1990’s at the Pontifical Council for the Family, which fosters the pastoral activities of the Catholic Church on behalf of the family and the right to life. Both in public and private conversation at […]

Why Population Control is Bad Foreign Policy

Why Population Control is Bad Foreign Policy


Anne Roback Morse also contributed to this article. The language of the e-mails is hyperbolic and hate-filled. They come from population control groups that are indignant about the House of Representatives Billwhich would re-institute the Mexico City Policy. They call it a “Mean-spirited, anti-women agenda.” And they say it’s “Playing ping-pong politics with women’s lives,” “Out of […]

God is Not Welcome Here

God is Not Welcome Here


“A small error in the beginning leads to a multitude of errors in the end” – Aristotle, De Coelo The small error in this case is the assumption made long ago by the members of the United States Supreme Court that they had the power to play God. First, the court ignored the science on […]

Humanity of the Comatose Denied by Inhumanity of Euthanasia

Humanity of the Comatose Denied by Inhumanity of Euthanasia


On March 20, 2004, Pope John Paul II delivered an address to an international congress on “Life-sustaining treatments and vegetative state: Scientific advances and Ethical Dilemmas.” The pope dealt directly with the issue of doctors withholding medical treatments and nutrition and hydration (food and water) from comatose patients. I was happy to see the pontiff […]

European Court: Gay Marriage is not a Human Right

European Court: Gay Marriage is not a Human Right


The highest human rights court in Europe shattered hopes that it would judicially impose same-sex marriage when it told a male to female transsexual and his wife that a civil union should be good enough for them. European human rights law does not require countries to “grant access to marriage to same-sex couples,” according to […]

African Women Turning to NFP; Turning Down Contraceptives

African Women Turning to NFP; Turning Down Contraceptives


Anne Morse also contributed to this article. It seemed like your typical family planning conference: it was sponsored by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the World Health Organization’s Department of Reproductive Health and Research. It had the typical title: “Is access enough? Understanding and addressing unmet need for Family Planning.” It even […]

Wireless Birth Control is No Fantasy

Wireless Birth Control is No Fantasy


Recent reports announcing the era of remote-control contraception herald the very real but slightly horrifying prospects for the future for those who believe that man can literally transform himself into a machine. This phenomenon is known as the cult of transhumanism. One news report calls the remote dispensation of contraception “creepy.” Another explains how this […]

<em>Divergent</em> Trilogy Tackles Genetic Engineering and Genetic Discrimination

Divergent Trilogy Tackles Genetic Engineering and Genetic Discrimination


Warning! Spoilers Ahead!! Divergent is the latest of the teen dystopian future trilogies to hit the big screen. I have read all three books, Divergent, Insurgent, and Allegiant. Is it not my favorite trilogy in this growing genre, but I know that teens everywhere love it. I do appreciate that Veronica Roth has tackled some […]

Abortion Groups Battle to Stay Relevant in New Development Goals

Abortion Groups Battle to Stay Relevant in New Development Goals


Abortion groups are fighting to make headway at the United Nations despite recent failures. Delegates and U.N. officials have been crammed into a bustling conference room at U.N. headquarters all week during tense negotiations on a new development scheme. Abortion groups and their supporters have been campaigning for more than two years to have “reproductive […]

Babies by Remote Control

Babies by Remote Control


My long-time English friend, Ann Farmer, has just sent me an interesting article from The Telegraph (London), which tells how all of Scotland is rejoicing at the prospective pregnancy of a captive giant panda. Tests indicate that the female, named Tian Tian (“sweetie”), has conceived but that implantation—that next stage in her pregnancy—is still a […]

Making Babies, Making Money

Making Babies, Making Money


IVF Worldwide is an expansive online community that prides itself on being “the largest and most comprehensive in-vitro fertilization (IVF)-focused website for doctors, embryologists, nurses, and social workers.” While it’s meant to serve as a resource for those within the industry—because make no mistake about it, that’s what it is, an industry—couples considering using IVF […]

After Hobby Lobby Comes Priests for Life -- Why We Are Confident

After Hobby Lobby Comes Priests for Life — Why We Are Confident


On Monday, June 30, Priests for Life expressed satisfaction with the Supreme Court’s decision in the Hobby Lobby case. Upon further analysis of that decision, we continue to be encouraged by it and by its implications for our own case, which has already been argued in the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, which could issue […]