Weekly Wits: 5/24/13
by Cartoon Editor
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Bill Clinton, wearing a white toga and a crown of gold, sat in a garden while attractive women fed him grapes. President Obama, having just suffered the most devastating week of his presidency, sat nearby, seeking advice in the art of telling whoppers. Using the Socratic method of teaching, Clinton began to tutor his new […]
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I don’t know who they are, but I’ve got to hand it to them. I’m too cynical to do what they do! I speak of the Americans who, every year, donate money to pay down America’s national debt. The Bureau of the Public Debt — part of the Treasury Department — began allowing such donations […]
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My husband is so lucky that we only have girls. Whenever we’re out someplace public like the zoo, Legoland, a grocery store, or church, and a child has to go to the bathroom, it’s automatically the female parent who has to take her. Lucky me. This especially came in handy (for my husband) at church […]
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Get this: Social media are making us ruder. According to Reuters, social media users face “an increase in rudeness online with people having no qualms about being less polite virtually than in person.” I think our rudeness began ticking up with the introduction of another technological innovation: the telephone. As phones became commonplace in American […]
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Things are mighty heated these days. Tempers are flaring and minds are closed. Here’s the solution: the wit and wisdom of Will Rogers. “The short memory of voters is what keeps our politicians in office.” “We’ve got the best politicians that money can buy.” “A fool and his money are soon elected.” Rogers spoke these […]
The devil is in the details. Maybe I’d better explain. As it goes, the hit History Channel show, “The Bible,” was recently called out because the actor playing the part of Satan, Moroccan-born Mohamen Mehdi Ouazanni, looks eerily similar to President Obama. I don’t think Obama is the devil, but he surely has one characteristic […]
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Springtime in Washington Ah, springtime has arrived in Washington, D.C. The National Cherry Blossom Festival is under way. The cherry trees, 3,700 of them given to America by the Japanese in 1912, are in full bloom. One incident involving the trees reminds me why Americans are so wary of Washington. In the spring of 1999, […]
Grocery Night Thursday night was grocery shopping night and the best night of the week. Right after dinner, my father and I would board our 1972 Plymouth Fury station wagon and head to the Del Farm grocery store. It was located in a small plaza one mile from our suburban home. Like all grocery stores […]
Income Tax 101 Ah, the income tax preparation season is upon us. You’re probably wondering why you have to spend a couple of weekends barricaded in a room, sorting through receipts in the faint hope of complying with our confusing income tax laws. The income tax first came to America in 1861. Americans paid it […]
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“To follow you we were content, and grateful for the way we went.”
My Mother and Father School the Senate “All right,” said my mother, standing before the members of the U.S. Senate, “it’s time for you to get your act together.” “That’s right,” said my father. “You fools haven’t passed an annual budget in more than three years!” “What is this thing you call a ‘budget’?” said […]
#Julia’sCaesar Even Me & Folly Cartoons has felt the ravages of SEQUESTER!! Due to a minor cut in our projected budget we’ve had to sell off all our inks and paints and send our cartoonist to work in a salt mine in Puerto Rico. We still had enough money for crayons, pencils, and this budget-slashing […]
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