Poem: “The View from Shore”
by María Morera Johnson
The View from Shore the sailboats bob in the bay – a languid dance upon the gentle waves. sometimes together sometimes alone their masts pointing singly to heaven. Maria Morera Johnson
María Morera Johnson teaches composition and literature at a technical college in Georgia, and consults and writes about trends in post-secondary education. She serves on the Board of Directors of the Star Quest Production Network (sqpn.com) and co-hosts Catholic Weekend, a weekly current events podcast.
The View from Shore the sailboats bob in the bay – a languid dance upon the gentle waves. sometimes together sometimes alone their masts pointing singly to heaven. Maria Morera Johnson
Interlude Something about the half-lit space invites silence. Sacred and calm. Sunlight, muted through treated windows, still manages to splash into the scene – its sepia-colored tint adding depth to a landscape filled with shadows. The silence, at home, speaks to the darkened corners as the expanding light blankets everything with its warmth. Maria Morera […]
Aubade at Half-Past Six on a Cold Winter Morning Dawn’s first light shivers through half-opened blinds, creating new patterns on our old blanket. The rise and fall of your chest tethers me to the moment tighter than the memory of your warm embrace. I get up anyway and make the coffee. Maria Johnson
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Spring When the sun loves, deeply, and with feeling, it penetrates the barren landscape and ignites the spirit wanting to emerge — in that instant, revealing verdant fields covered in flowers, big and small, growing toward the light… broadcasting a symphony of colors. Maria Morera Johnson
Cutthroat: A Friendly Game of Words with Friends The letters mock me As they line up In alphabetical order And challenge me to rearrange them In some semblance Of brilliance To disarm my opponent — Or at least Block that triple Dangling its Promise of a high Score — If I can’t have it She […]
Quiet Wonder The rocking chair’s gentle embrace Held you and me in its slow pace Suspended, in both time and place. As I, in quiet wonder, said a prayer. We laughed. We played. We sometimes clashed, But always loved — Eternal rhythm of our lives. So I, in quiet wonder, said my prayer. How time […]
The Washing Machine I complain about the laundry more than my dirty clothes deserve. It’s a matter of functionality to wash clothes. I mean, it’s not like I’m beating anything against a rock in the blazing sun. I just use some detergent that I bought because it was on sale, or I paid a lot […]
The Godliest Hour In the cool darkness before the dawn when the stars shine brightest against a dark blue night, the silent stillness envelopes me and I can hear even the softest whisper in this, the Godliest hour. ~Maria Morera Johnson
Adoration to spend time in your calming presence and feel the abiding love that wraps around me and rocks me to that quiet place of contentment where everything is as it was meant… to be at peace. Maria Morera Johnson
Light of Day Sweet robin, rise, and sing a morning song. Your joyful noise invites the coming dawn to shine with you. Lift up your voice! The unknown day springs forth with hope! Carry on — carry on And sing your song at dawn. Carry on — carry on your cheery whistles your […]
Full Circle The waves seem to beckon to me as I lie in the glistening sand and ponder the Immortal Hand that created all I see. I am drawn, deeply, to the easy rhythm of the waves striking land and pulling back from where I stand looking longingly out […]
Heartsong Two tender souls reside apart, Two hearts aflame for Love That come together seeking, each, The counsels of the heart. Two hearts aflame, two souls afire, Find shelter deep within And share the strength to gently lift the other heavenward. In Love, in Truth, in daily grind The end remains in sight There’s no […]