Author Archive for Anna Elissa

What Puts the “Arch” in Archangel?

What Puts the “Arch” in Archangel?


Today is the Feast of the Archangels, specifically Sts. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, whose proper names are divinely revealed in the Sacred Scriptures. Happy Feast! Angels are beautiful. They are “spiritual, non-corporeal beings” whose existence is “a truth of faith” (CCC #328). They “have intelligence and will: they are personal and immortal creatures, surpassing in perfection […]

Terrifying Love

Terrifying Love


Once, love was too heavy a word to be uttered casually at random people and objects. Once, love was the object of contemplation by the wisest and keenest philosophers. Once, the subject of love was tread upon very carefully lest it would catch fire. Nowadays the word and the concept of love have been reduced […]

Poem: "It is She"

Poem: “It is She”


It is She   Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun,  terrible as an army set in array?   It is she, most lovely bride, adorned with grace and Spirit. She steps with courage, and desire in her heart— on her head, red and […]

Three Traps Set by Satan Against Goodness

Three Traps Set by Satan Against Goodness


Time for some depressing thoughts on demons and demonology! Demonology is one of my favorite topics in theology (I know. Freaky). I’m not obsessed with it, I simply treat it as a piece of spiritual and practical knowledge, because hey, the Devil exists! Saint John Climacus, also known John Scholasticus, John Sinaites, and John of […]

Five Commonalities Between Christianity and Islam

Five Commonalities Between Christianity and Islam


Among all kinds of cultural, political, and interfaith dialogues, the one between Christianity and Islam is arguably the most interesting. Many of my friends from the Western world regard Islam as some kind of a mysterious, exotic, almost “unknowable” religion. However, some scholars, such as Hillaire Belloc, view Islam not as a totally separate religion, […]