Archive for May, 2013

Poem: “To Uncle Clive”

Poem: “To Uncle Clive”


To Uncle Clive “At my first coming into the world I had been (implicitly) warned never to trust a Papist, and at my first coming into the English Faculty (explicitly) never to trust a philologist. Tolkien was both” – C. S. Lewis, Surprised by Joy You stubborn fool! You biased fool! Why did you not […]

How to Create a Simple Facebook Campaign for Your Business

How to Create a Simple Facebook Campaign for Your Business


I manage several social media accounts for various clients. From time to time, I get to help promote different products, events, and campaigns in order to get the word out. In addition to my client’s social media accounts, I have my own Twitter and Facebook account for EntreCatholic, my personal blog. While my Twitter account is […]

Naming the Gosnell Babies

Naming the Gosnell Babies


The trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell is about much more than the man himself. In a painful way, it brings America face to face with abortion, which, as the defense argued, is “bloody” and “real.” For those who have had abortions, it brings them again in touch with a pain that is never really far […]

Three Days: The Search for the Boy Messiah

Three Days: The Search for the Boy Messiah


When you fall in love, you want to spend as much time together as possible and learn all you can about your loved one.  For author Chris Stepien, his ebook Three Days: The Search for the Boy Messiah was about love.  His love of God led Stepien to want to know him better. His love […]

My Inheritance

My Inheritance


The great 20th century novelist Chaim Potok wrote, in his novel, My Name Is Asher Lev, “You have a gift, Asher Lev. You have a responsibility.” My Mom had a gift of 89 years, 89 years to live her life; 89 years to meet her goals; 89 years. This gift of time, for Mom, for […]

Tactful Response to Untactful Garb

Tactful Response to Untactful Garb


To: Marybeth From: Irritated Aunt My 13-year-old son will be confirmed in a solemn ceremony at our church. We have invited our extended families to join us for the confirmation and, afterward, for a nice dinner in our son’s honor. We would like everyone to dress appropriately (and modestly) for the occasion, but I’m certain […]

Great Expectations

Great Expectations


The Huffington Post must have known the publication of “My Wife Is Expecting Twins and I Am Not Happy About It” would cause waves. Tsunami-level waves, where people were aghast to read paragraphs like this one: Two blessings, two bundles of joy. How could you not be happy, you ask? Of course I’m sympathetic to […]

The Blessed Mother: from Accepting the Teachings to Loving the Lady

The Blessed Mother: from Accepting the Teachings to Loving the Lady


When I stood before the altar at the Easter vigil eight years ago and answered, “I do (believe all that the Holy Catholic Church teaches to be true),” I meant it.  I loved the Eucharist; I loved the communion of saints; I loved the unbroken line of popes; I loved the entire Hebrew Scriptures.  Marian […]

Plan B and Your Fifteen Year Old

Plan B and Your Fifteen Year Old


A few days ago the FDA announced its decision to lower the age for access to over-the-counter emergency birth control from 17 to 15. It used to be that if minors needed speed-dial abortions they would have to see a doctor for a prescription. Since most minors can’t get to the doctor without a parent being […]

The Excitement at Mass

The Excitement at Mass


My husband is so lucky that we only have girls. Whenever we’re out someplace public like the zoo, Legoland, a grocery store, or church, and a child has to go to the bathroom, it’s automatically the female parent who has to take her.  Lucky me. This especially came in handy (for my husband) at church […]

God Loves Us and Always Forgives Us

God Loves Us and Always Forgives Us


Dear brothers and sisters, good day. The season of Easter that we are living with joy, guided by the liturgy of the Church, is par excellence the time of the Holy Spirit, given to us “not by measure” (cf. John 3:34) by the crucified and risen Jesus. This time of grace ends with the feast […]

Desiring Human Acceptance

Desiring Human Acceptance


On a number of occasions I have written about the loneliness of disability. I suppose readers might be apt to think loneliness is not unique to people with severe disabilities, and they are right. Most lonely people are not disabled. You don’t even need to be alone to be lonely; a person can be lonely in a crowded […]

UN Delegates Grow Weary of Abortion Agenda

UN Delegates Grow Weary of Abortion Agenda


Late-night fatigue dogged UN delegates last Friday as abortion advocates had overstayed their welcome. A resolution on migration stalled all week and no one even cheered when it finally passed. Proponents of abortion and sexual rights stifled debate at this year’s Commission on Population and Development, known as CPD46. While the commission addressed something as […]

Is it the Book or is it Me?

Is it the Book or is it Me?


Forget diet secrets and extreme makeovers.  Struggling homeschool moms have a more pressing question on the mind: Will a new curriculum solve my problems? Maybe I’ve been using the wrong book.  Maybe, like the catalog promises, my kids really can learn the state capitals, speak fluent Spanish, and master organic chemistry, all for just $189.95.  […]

John B. Tabb - Priest-Poet

Tabb’s Poetry XVIII


Five poems by John B. Tabb.

Church Architecture 101, Part Two

Church Architecture 101, Part Two


The first step in renewing architecture in the Catholic Church is to make a commitment to the truth. As the Church teaches, Truth is a person, not a concept. We know the “Truth will set us free,” and so it is our desire to be free from any and all erroneous beliefs that enslave us. […]

Be a Sporting Christian: See “42”

Be a Sporting Christian: See “42”


The older the script, the more likely it is that Hollywood will produce a good and uplifting film. The newest version of the Jackie Robinson saga, entitled simply “42,” is well worth viewing twice. I took my wife the 2nd time, and she loved it too. Living as we do in times dominated by the […]

Are Gosnell's Coldblooded Acts a Logical Result?

Are Gosnell’s Coldblooded Acts a Logical Result?


Where did actions such as those taken by abortionist Kermit Gosnell begin? Is there a logical explanation for practices that reflect such a callous disregard for human life? According to Bishop James Conley, of the diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska, the philosophy of “choice” is the culprit. His recent column has exposed a pivotal piece of the puzzle […]

What's Wrong with Crony Capitalism

What’s Wrong with Crony Capitalism


Thanks to a renewed interest in the works of Ayn Rand and high-profile figures like John Stossel, Glenn Beck, and Rand Paul, libertarianism is enjoying a moment in the political sun. And just like America’s two major parties, libertarians can often be blind to faulty logic and flaws within their own ideology. Timothy P. Carney […]

Killing Embryos for Science 'Demeans' the Humanity of Researchers

Killing Embryos for Science ‘Demeans’ the Humanity of Researchers


Researchers who justify the killing of human beings at the embryonic stage “demean” themselves and diminish their own humanity, an American ethicist told at the Vatican’s stem cell conference last month. By willingly participating in an evil, even to bring about a great good like cures for diseases, “You demean yourself, you make yourself […]

Ghost Avatar

Add Gravitas to Your Comments with a Gravatar


Have you ever noticed that in the comments following articles, including Catholic Lane’s,  that some people have their pictures next to the comment? Other comments just have a “ghost silhouette” to represent the commentator. A picture of you will look so much better than a ghost. A picture immediately makes the reader think, “How cool […]

Pray, Hope and Don't Worry? A Catholic Mom’s Guide to Trusting God

Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry? A Catholic Mom’s Guide to Trusting God


“Forgive me, Father, for I have worried.” Even when I’m behind the screen, I am sure that my priest knows that it’s me – that parishioner with N.A.P.S. (Nutty, Anxious Parent Syndrome). Worrying is my hobby. I worry about the economy, politics and toy recalls. I practically obsess over germs and the weather, especially during […]

Poem: "Sister Mary"

Poem: “Sister Mary”


Sister Mary (for all Sisters & Nuns) Mary, Mary how does your garden grow? With brilliance and burdens Teaching and sowing This is how you bring souls to me. Mary, Mary how does your garden grow? With sacrifice and effort Hard work,sometimes without rest This is how you please me. Mary, my Mary how does […]

UN Leaders Lament 20-Year Failure to Advance Abortion

UN Leaders Lament 20-Year Failure to Advance Abortion


The self-styled “master planner” of a 1990s landmark population conference last week lamented the failure to subsequently advance reproductive rights, often a code for abortion. Tossing aside her prepared speech, former UN Population Fund chief Nafis Sadik revealed she used donations to enable activists to be on government delegations to the 1994 Cairo conference. Cairo […]