Tag: "immigration"

London, Parliament, March 22, 2017

Pray for Sanity


Pray that common sense returns to politics.

Has the President Exceeded His Authority on Immigration?

Has the President Exceeded His Authority on Immigration?


Twenty-four states say Yes, he has.

Illegal Immigration

Illegal Immigration


Is Europe Losing Control of its Borders?

A Lovely View of Heaven but I'd Rather be With You

A Lovely View of Heaven but I’d Rather be With You


The Judgment of the Nations (Mt 25:31-46). Solemnity of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, Sunday, November 23, AD 2014 A disclaimer: this story was written in English but with some Italian and Spanish lingo thrown in. Subtitles are included. Pericle Cordani, my paternal grandfather, left his village in northern Italy and journeyed across the […]

Detroit Bankruptcy Visual

Super-Amnesty Will Turn Every City into Detroit


America will be a more dangerous and poorer place.

Immigration, Amnesty, and the Rule of Law

Immigration, Amnesty, and the Rule of Law


In the ongoing Kentucky U.S. Senate race, both candidates have accused the other of supporting “amnesty” for “illegal immigrants” and of not upholding the rule of law. Immigration is a complex issue, and the laws governing it are even more complex. Political campaigns, at least in our day, are not well-suited to serious debates about […]

St Paul:  Building Bridges, Not Fences

St Paul: Building Bridges, Not Fences


Following my ordination my bishop assigned me to work in two yoked parishes.  “Yoked” churches share a pastoral staff but are not merged.  The pastor and myself worked to merge the parishes. One parish was Irish.  The other was Puerto Rican.  The linguistic and traditional differences were palpable.  Often I reflected on the sixth chapter […]

Immigration Reform: Renewing the Soul of a Nation

Immigration Reform: Renewing the Soul of a Nation


“Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of us Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs?” – Benjamin Franklin, 1751 “Immigration is about more than immigration.  It is about renewing the soul of America.” – +Jose […]

Immigration: The Distributist Solution

Immigration: The Distributist Solution


There is one thing…that must strike all Englishmen who have the good fortune to have American friends; that is, that while there is no materialism so crude or so material as American materialism, there is also no idealism so crude or so ideal as American idealism. America will always affect an Englishman as being soft […]

They Are People, Too!

They Are People, Too!


Protecting immigrants from oppression is a centuries old duty of both Jews and Christians. “You shall not oppress or afflict a resident alien, for you were once aliens residing in the land of Egypt. Exodus 22: 20.” Most, if not all, of the people with whom I work in the pro life apostolate take that […]

On Immigration, an Abdication of Responsibility

On Immigration, an Abdication of Responsibility


When most Americans enter the voting booth, they are looking for candidates — and future public servants — who will show leadership in tackling the nation’s toughest challenges. On the issue of immigration, they continue to be disappointed. Despite nationwide polls which show majority support for comprehensive immigration reform and a path to citizenship for […]