Recognizing God’s Presence

Recognizing God in Small Moments

Recognizing God in the everyday moments are an art.  Whether we are young, somewhere in the middle or old.  Life has its slow times and the busy times.  I think having eyes to see “His hand” in all we do is something that take patience!

Think for a moment about those moments in your life right now.  There are times when you may feel rushed.  Times where you feel stressed.  Pause.  When we call at to God with a prayer, God is there with us.

I call those “God moments” where even though we are unsure and unsettled, the Lord will bring us back to the path of His own guidance and support.

In recalling times in my own life, I reflect upon a time when I was diagnosed with a serious heart ailment at the age of 34.  With a two-year-old and a brand-new baby, I was overwhelmed hearing from my doctor that I had gotten a rare disease after a pregnancy.

Calling out to God, I was cured through God’s healing and a time of rest and patience in following doctor’s suggestions for a recovery.

I recall sitting outside on the porch holding my daughter and looking up at the sky.  Since I was forced to “slow down”, everything about my life had to move at a slower pace.  I remember receiving the gift of solitude as my eyes gazed at the beauty of the blue sky in early Spring.  This memory, and as hard as that time was for me, was a gift.  Visual memories of the beauty of life are gifts from above.

Recognizing God’s Providence

We all have our stories of those small moments.  Just like that moment for me sitting with my baby on the porch gazing at the sky, God slows us down to recognize the calm all around us.  No matter where we are or what we’re doing, we can choose to see goodness in nature and in the people God has placed in our lives.

Take a moment now and reflect.  See the gift of life both in yourself and in others.

Anne DeSantis is a wife, mom, 50+ model/actress, and writer  from the  Greater Philadelphia area.  She is a former home-schooling mother. Anne is the director for the St. Raymond Nonnatus Foundation for Freedom, Family, and Faith making outreach to families in crisis. She hosts a weekly on-line TV show called "The Positive Side on RVNTV" in Cherry Hill, NJ.  Learn more about Anne at www.annedesantis.com.