Poem: “Do not Forget”

Do not Forget

A fig tree grows beneath my window
Yes, it’s true, a fig tree grows,
My wife has eaten of the fruit,
Green and inside red as rose

Red as blood, red as wine
Red inside as April, ripe
As red bud blossoms or the sky
Of summer dawn’s uprisen night

A fig tree like the Christ-cursed tree
He made an object to be sterile,
A fig tree in whose spreading shade
John’s Jesus saw Nathanael

No fig tree in a metaphor
No fig tree in a dream or book,
It grew and I was unaware
But all I had to do was look

Come notice me for I am real
I am within the world and yet
My life is greater than you fathom,
See me grow, do not forget

June 24, 2011

Pavel Chichikov is a Washington DC-based poet and photographer. He has written for both the secular and the Catholic press on issues as diverse as Russian nuclear weapons systems, Olympic athletes, and miracles. His books include From Here to Babylon: Poems by Pavel Chichikov,  Lion Sun: Poems by Pavel Chichikov, Mysteries and Stations in the Manner of Ignatius, and Animal Kingdom. Pavel may be heard reading his works on catholicradiointernational.com and on pavelreads.com. His poetry regularly appears on "The Poetry of Pavel Chichikov."