Help Stop This Notorious Late-Term Abortionist!

Does the name LeRoy Carhart mean anything to you? It should. Carhart is an infamous late-term abortionist (among a dwindling number in America). He gained notoriety when he used to routinely kill babies alongside the notorious Dr. George Tiller of Wichita, Kansas.

Carhart specializes in late-term abortions. Why, even a famous U.S. Supreme Court case — Gonzales v. Carhart of 2007 — is named after him. Fortunately, Carhart lost when the Supreme Court upheld the Partial Birth Abortion Ban of 2003, which Carhart challenged in court because it “restricted” the methods he could use to kill late-term unborn babies.

You see, Carhart performs abortions from 19 weeks gestation up to the day before the baby is due to be born.

Using the same method that George Tiller used, Carhart injects a powerful drug — known as Digoxin — directly into the live baby’s heart, causing death by heart attack. The mother’s cervix is gradually opened up, and she is led to a bathroom with a toilet where she is told to “push” the baby out. The baby’s lifeless body then drops into the toilet.

Again, this is what LeRoy Carhart specializes in.
And he set up shop in Maryland without telling the Board of Physicians that he’d be performing these late-term abortions there.

He also didn’t tell them that he was under criminal investigation in his home state of Nebraska (something Maryland officials prefer to know about).

Carhart’s own employees signed affidavits attesting to the fact that Carhart tampers with the sonograms in order to falsify the age of the baby he’s killing in the womb. Employees have also indicated that he is guilty of controlled-substance abuse — rendering him unfit to perform surgery.

Furthermore, he misrepresented his practice in Maryland by saying that he is an emergency room physician and a university professor. The truth is, Carhart has not had an affiliation with a hospital since 1987 (24 years), and he was stripped of any formal duties with the University of Nebraska in the late 1990s.

What’s more, Carhart now conducts his risky late-term abortions in Maryland without having hospital privileges. This means that if a patient needs emergency help due to a botched abortion (which happens quite often under Carhart), he has nowhere to take her. This, too, is a violation of medical ethics and safe practice procedures.

Taken together, all of this is grounds for the Maryland Board of Physicians to revoke Carhart’s medical license and send him packing.

And now that they’ve launched a full investigation into all the complaints against Carhart, it looks like this just might happen!

However, we need to embolden the Maryland officials so that they don’t fall victim to the usual “abortion distortion” — where normal laws, rules, and safeguards get “dismissed” because it’s about abortion.

The local pro-life community in Germantown, Maryland, is up in arms that Carhart has moved into their neighborhood to kill babies. Indeed, he set up shop only half a mile away from a large Catholic parish in Germantown. The local pro-lifers have come out in droves to protest this killing center. In fact, they rented an office directly across the parking lot from Carhart’s killing center so they could have a constant presence there!

However, these brave soldiers are going to need pro-lifers like you from around the country to help get Carhart’s license revoked by the Maryland Board of Physicians.

That’s why we at Priests for Life have created an easy way for you to contact the authorities in Maryland. It will take only a few minutes of your time to send them an e-mail. All you have to do is click the link below and you’ll be automatically redirected to a special page on our website that’s designed to do everything for you.

[Click Here]

So please take a minute to click on the link, fill in the necessary information, and just hit SEND. Your e-mail will be automatically delivered to all the proper authorities in Maryland who are investigating the truth about the real LeRoy Carhart and his lust for committing late-term abortions.

As you do this, please say a prayer for the babies who are in Carhart’s sights right now, as well as the women he victimizes, and also the pro-lifers in Germantown who are fighting at the local level to remove this blight from their community. In addition, please say a prayer for our work here at Priests for Life, for without your prayers and God’s grace, we can do nothing.

In celebration of the Resurrection of Our Lord, thank you and God bless.

(This update courtesy of the Priests for Life newsletter. You may contact Priests for Life at PO Box 141172, Staten Island, NY 10314; call 1-888-PFL-3448 or 718-980-4400; fax 718-980-6515; mail@priestsforlife.org; www.priestsforlife.org.)
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