Category: Life Issues & Bioethics

Pope Speaks Out for Unborn, Natural Family in UN Address

Pope Speaks Out for Unborn, Natural Family in UN Address


World leaders broke out into applause 27 times during the Pope’s address to the UN General Assembly last week, including when he called for the defense of the “right to life,” and called the family the “primary cell of any social development.” Pro-life and pro-family advocates welcomed the speech as an improvement upon the more […]

Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, The Joy of the Gospel

Cherry-Picking Pope Francis


This pope is neither liberal nor conservative.

Is China’s One Child Policy Coming to an End?

Is China’s One Child Policy Coming to an End?


By Steven Mosher and Jonathan Abbamonte Will the Chinese Communist Party loosen the stranglehold it has had on reproduction since the late seventies? There has been much speculation that the 13 th Five-Year Plan, to be released next month, will significantly relax the well-known One Child Policy. If the regime does back away from its […]

Scientific Moral Regress

Scientific Moral Regress


More scientific progress? In the wake of news videos about slicing up and testing the remains of aborted babies, leave it to leading scientific researchers to continue to push the envelope.  The Hinxton group (a group of stem cell researchers, policy wonks, and bioethicists) is calling for reopening the debate over altering the DNA of […]

Idolatry of Self Threatens All We Once Held Dear

Idolatry of Self Threatens All We Once Held Dear


Every abortion in Canada is paid for with our tax dollars (without our consent or any public consensus). It is a moral outrage! Then in late July 2015, the abortion pill RU-486 was quietly approved by Health Canada. Although women will need a prescription to obtain it, a whole new phase of early abortion is about […]

Breaking the "Theological Silence" on Racially-Targeted Abortion

Breaking the “Theological Silence” on Racially-Targeted Abortion


In the article “Has the Silence Been Broken? Catholic Theological Ethics and Racial Justice” in Theological Studies Journal (March, 2014), Father Bryan Massingale, Ph.D., of Marquette University discusses what he calls “the theological silence” about racism in America. Fr. Massingale uses phrases like “deafening and appalling silence,” “embarrassed silence” and “shocking theological silence” regarding racism […]

Permissive Abortion Laws Do Not Reduce Maternal Deaths

Permissive Abortion Laws Do Not Reduce Maternal Deaths


By Carlos Polo and Moriah Bruno A recent study published in the British Medical Journal has found that laws that restrict or prevent abortion do not lead to higher maternal mortality rates. In fact, the study, based on recent data from Mexico, showed precisely the opposite: higher maternal mortality rates were seen in Mexican states […]

First Congressional Hearing on PP's Organ Harvesting Scandal

First Congressional Hearing on PP’s Organ Harvesting Scandal


Two abortion survivors, a pro-life expert, and an abortion attorney will testify in Congress’ first hearing September 9 on whether Planned Parenthood’s fetal parts program violates federal law. The hearing, entitled “Planned Parenthood Exposed: Examining the Horrific Abortion Practices at the Nation’s Largest Abortion Provider,” may not be a smooth one, however. While House Judiciary […]

Pope Francis, Abortion, and Mercy

Pope Francis, Abortion, and Mercy


Earlier this year, His Holiness Pope Francis officially announced a very special jubilee year which he called the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. He designated the dates December 8, 2015, through November 20, 2016, as this year. At the time of this announcement, Pope Francis said, “To be touched with tenderness by His hand and shaped […]

Another Modern Family Mess

Another Modern Family Mess


Since the U.S. Supreme Court decision allowing for gay marriage in all fifty states, we’ve spent a lot of time warning you about the new push for the false idea of “family equality.” Proponents of this idea hold that all couples have an equal right to children. Earlier this week, a New York Post columnist […]

U.S. Escalates LGBT Rights; LGBT Advocate Calls it Dangerous

U.S. Escalates LGBT Rights; LGBT Advocate Calls it Dangerous


The U.S. upped the stakes on international LGBT rights by raising the issue in an informal briefing on Monday at UN headquarters. But an LGBT advocate criticized it as pandering that could cost lives. “It’s a good deal for LGBT [groups] based in New York or Geneva. They get recognition, and with it funding and […]

Supreme Courts Are Usurping Democracy

Supreme Courts Are Usurping Democracy


Canada is about to embark upon an audacious social course. We must accept the Supreme Court’s unanimous decision to strike down laws prohibiting assisted suicide of the sick, disabled and depressed. It is a departure from our legal foundations in British Common Law that have — for more than 700 years — forbidden or punished […]

What's the Point of Regaining My Health but Losing My Humanity?

What’s the Point of Regaining My Health but Losing My Humanity?


This link is for the 8th of 12 videos produced by the Center For Medical Progress. This one features baby parts buyer StemExpress Founder and CEO, Cate Dyer, saying they want 50 MORE fetal livers PER WEEK. And as they say, Planned Parenthood is a good source because of their volume of abortions. It is […]

Enough is Enough

Enough is Enough


Human beings have always had an extraordinary capacity for self-delusion. We justify horrible things by telling ourselves that we are acting in the service of a noble cause, or by dehumanizing the victims of our unjust actions. History is littered with the corpses of innocent men and women who died in the name of their […]

Planned Parenthood Skirts Laws Around the Globe

Planned Parenthood Skirts Laws Around the Globe


For over two decades, the UN has maintained a compromise: abortion is not a human right, but where it is legal, it should be safe – at least, for the mother. Planned Parenthood has long fought to erode legal protections for the unborn, but recent events reveal that the global abortion provider has little regard […]

No Life. No Peace.

No Life. No Peace.


There are few people who would deny that they want peace in our violent world. Catholics pray for it at every Mass: Dona nobis pacem. Some have bumper stickers with Pope Paul VI’s much quoted statement for his 1972 Message for that year’s Day of World Peace: “If you want peace, work for justice.” St […]

The Birds and the Bees and Children’s Literature

The Birds and the Bees and Children’s Literature


When my children were younger we spent a lot of time at our local public library. We went to the weekly story time and the annual fairs, joined the summer reading programs to win prizes for books read, and spent a lot of time sitting on rugs and tiny chairs reading, reading, and reading. It’s […]

The Banality of Evil, Redux: Do Planned Parenthood Officials Sin?

The Banality of Evil, Redux: Do Planned Parenthood Officials Sin?


“The net effect of this language system was not to keep these people ignorant of what they were doing, but to prevent them from equating it with their old, “normal” knowledge of murder and lies. Eichmann’s great susceptibility to catch words and stock phrases, combined with his incapacity for ordinary speech, made him, of course, […]

The Human Body and the Death of Normalcy?

The Human Body and the Death of Normalcy?


Regan Brashear has done us all a favor by directing and producing the documentary film Fixed: The Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement. Fixed, a New Day Digital film, was released in 2013, and I’m happy to have heard about it and to have been given a chance to watch it. I confess, on watching the trailer, […]

Experiments on Intact Whole Live Fetuses and the Connection to Infant Formula

Experiments on Intact Whole Live Fetuses and the Connection to Infant Formula


Recently the investigative journalism conducted by David Daleiden who started the Center for Medical Progress has provided a raw look into the minds of the people involved in the “human capital” abortion industry. As the videos continue to come out and lawsuits are filed threatening to suppress free speech and journalism, perhaps this is a […]

The Fog of Ideology

The Fog of Ideology


In light of ongoing revelations emerging from the undercover Planned Parenthood videos, Progressives are doubling down, falling back on their tried and true tactic of conflating “women’s health care” with abortion and suggesting that opposition to the latter constitutes an attack on the former. And much to the chagrin of pro-life Americans, this tactic appears […]

Movie Review <em>I Am Potential</em>

Movie Review I Am Potential


The new movie, I Am Potential, is based on the true story of the Hughes Family whose son was born without eyes and unable to walk. I almost didn’t want to even tell you that, because I had the experience of coming at the story cold, and was hit by the element of surprise at […]

What the Sting Videos Will and Won't Achieve

What the Sting Videos Will and Won’t Achieve


Much has been written since the breaking story on Planned Parenthood’s selling of fetal tissue from abortions. Not surprisingly, mainstream media outlets were slow to pick up the story, and many of them largely parroted the Planned Parenthood defense when writing their stories. The video caused quite the stir on social media, amassing countless shares […]

Filling Up My Nearly Empty Gas Tank

Filling Up My Nearly Empty Gas Tank


For as long as I can remember, I have been an “11th-hour” guy. Some might call it procrastination. I prefer to say “I thrive under deadline.” That was a marketable skill for much of my life. Now, it has become an occasionally debilitating burden. It began, commonly enough, with working on high school term papers […]