Breaking Open the Word at Home: March 20, 2019

Sunday Mass Readings for the Ministry of Parents and Godparents

The Church professes Christian parents to be the “first” teachers of the faith and calls them to be the “best” teachers of the faith (The Rite of Infant Baptism). Godparents agree to assist in this ministry of parents. This resource from Catholic Lane is to assist you, parent or godparent, with using the Sunday Mass readings to teach the Catholic Faith and live the Catholic Faith as a family.

March 20th, 2019: Third Sunday of Lent: Exodus 3:1-8, 13-15, Psalm 103, 1 Corinthians 10:1-6, 10-12, Luke 13:1-9


The first reading speaks of the transformative event of Moses encountering God at the Burning Bush. God calls Moses to Himself, God calls Moses to know Him, and God calls Moses to a life at the service of the Family of God. Paul’s exhortation in the second reading is a call to learn from the events of the past in order to follow God’s call for us. Jesus reminds us, especially in the context of this Lent, that we must repent of our sins and follow Him.


These readings provide an opportunity for exploring God’s act of revealing Himself to Moses, the theme of repentance, and the call to follow God. “CCC” refers to the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

  • God reveals His name to Moses (CCC 203-209).
  • Sins against God’s Holy name (CCC 2142-2155).
  • Lessons for prayer from the call of Moses (CCC 2574-2577).
  • Repentance and its many expressions (CCC 1430-1439).
  • All are called to know and love God (CCC 27-31).


  • Parents or godparents can also put the catechetical content into action through various activities. Here are just a few examples:
  • Examine whether you or your child/godchild have any people, movies, video games, or music, that exposes them to uses of the Lord’s name in vain. Put a plan in place to begin removing these sources of scandal and diversion.
  • Pray that your child or godchild will know now, and in the future, that they are called by God and called to God.
  • This is the purpose of their life.
  • Be sure to make time for Confession this Lent. Bring your child or godchild with you.
  • Pray the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary. Take extra time to meditate on the Preaching of the Kingdom and its call to repentance.

Bookmark Catholiclane.com for future Sunday Mass Readings for the Ministry of Parents and Godparents

Brandon Harvey is a Teacher, Speaker and Theological Consultant who resides in Omaha, Nebraska. He is married and is blessed with four children. He is the host of the Home Catechesis Podcast and the Home Catechesis Review (Vlog) on youtube.