Author Archive for Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D.

US Lambastes $238K Average UN Salaries and More

US Lambastes $238K Average UN Salaries and More


The US representative to the UN for mangagement and reform delivered a scathing critique of the new UN budget–which was delivered piecemeal and incomplete to donors and reflects a massive spending increase that outpaces inflation. With 15 reports still to be considered, the UN budget is already at “an alarming” $5.5B, the US said. Considered […]

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UN Considers Euthanasia and New Treaty on Aging


The Holy See condemned attempts to inject euthanasia into the right to health and Latin American and Caribbean delegations called for a new UN treaty at two recent UN meetings on the rights of the elderly. At the Human Rights Council in Geneva the Holy See representative said his delegation took “strong exception” to a […]

UN’s High Fertility Projections Still Show Rapid Global Aging

UN’s High Fertility Projections Still Show Rapid Global Aging


Even with its highly optimistic fertility projections, the new UN population forecast predicts a grayer world than the one imagined by its 2009 report which used much lower fertility estimates. Perhaps most significant is the steep rise in society’s proportion of the old (65 years or older) and very old (80 years and older). By […]

What New UN Population Data Means for Global Power

What New UN Population Data Means for Global Power


The UN’s new fertility forecasts could have significant implications for predicting which nations will wield global power in the 21stcentury, especially predictions about the coming power shift in Asia where Indians will outnumber Chinese by 2025. For years UN population experts have said that low fertility and aging societies like China and Europe will have […]

The Problem With the UN’s New Fertility Forecasts

The Problem With the UN’s New Fertility Forecasts


The UN has reversed a decade of speculation about a demographic winter in the West, and now says that every country will achieve replacement fertility by 2100 resulting in a global population of 10 billion. The problem is there is no basis for their turnabout.  UN agencies are hailing new numbers as evidence of overpopulation […]

Book Review: <em>Unnatural Selection</em>, Part two

Book Review: Unnatural Selection, Part two


How “Complicit” is the UN in Asia’s Sex Selective Abortion Crisis? A new book has raised hackles among abortion advocates about just how much the UN Population Fund is to blame for more than 160 million missing girls in Asia: aborted in the quest for sons.   Mara Hvistendahl’s Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls, and the […]

Book Review: <i>Unnatural Selection</i>, Part one

Book Review: Unnatural Selection, Part one


Shattering Myths About Sex Selective Abortion One night in 1978 a student in Delhi’s most prestigious obstetrics program reported for his first delivery. Just then he saw a cat bound from the hospital room with a “thing…wet with blood, mangled” in its mouth. Unfazed, the doctors and nurses went on to perform more abortions than […]

An International Right to Die?

An International Right to Die?


[Last] week the UN’s working group on aging [met] in New York. On the agenda [was] consideration of a new treaty for older persons. UN statistics show that the number of people over 60 will double by 2050 and be even higher in the developing world–63% to 78%. One out of four will be women, who […]

WHO-Approved Drug Promises Life, and Death

WHO-Approved Drug Promises Life, and Death


By authorizing the use of a single drug, the World Health Organization has simultaneously raised hopes for saving thousands of mothers’ lives and raised fears that the drug will also be used to kill perhaps millions of unborn children. Misoprostol is used to help stop bleeding during delivery, the main cause of maternal deaths, but […]

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Gloom in China’s New Census


China’s just-released 2010 census is grim news for those who claim that suppressing population growth boosts economic development. China is graying more rapidly than previously predicted and its demographic dividend will decline sharply just two years from now, causing an economic slow-down and political and social unrest. China Brief’s Willy Lam analyzes the new census […]

UN Wants Billions for STD Vaccination Scheme

UN Wants Billions for STD Vaccination Scheme


 The UN is about to ask governments to fund the vaccination of every girl in the world against the sexually transmitted disease HPV, human papillomavirus. The controversial campaign could cost as much as $300 per person, totaling billions.   Dignitaries who launched the campaign at the UN in mid-April included a prominent African first lady, […]

Catholic School Kids “Human Shields” for Treaty Activists

Catholic School Kids “Human Shields” for Treaty Activists


Dressed in blue, gray and white uniforms, the children of St. Raphael Academy lined the long dark table in the hearing room. A row of microphones separated them from the two benches of smiling state legislators above. The students wanted their state to issue a resolution urging President Obama to “adopt in its entirety” the […]

Answer to Family Breakdown is “Social Fatherhood,” UN Says

Answer to Family Breakdown is “Social Fatherhood,” UN Says


 The cohesion of the American family is about the worst in the world, according to a new UN report. Rather than recommending policies reinforcing traditional family roles, the study recommends social policies reflecting the new reality.  Just 70 percent of American children grow up with both parents, worse than the developed world average of 84 […]