Author Archive for Randal Agostini

Faith: The Constant Exploration of the Boundaries of Hope

Faith: The Constant Exploration of the Boundaries of Hope


This deliberate choice of words is an attempt to express the reality within which so many of us find ourselves in regards to our religion. To say that I belong to a particular religion is by itself an expression of Faith, but it does not define the reality of my relationship with that religion. I […]

Falling in Trust

Falling in Trust


Trust is an intrinsic part of the human psyche, though it’s resolve can sometimes seem almost irrational. It was trust in God that brought Columbus to discover the New World. The same could be said about the many pioneers who ventured out in wagons to cross the great prairies in the 19th century. In that […]

pieta, mary, jesus, suffering

Mary, My Mother


In relation to boys, girls have always had a very short childhood, inversely proportional to the wealth of the family. Two thousand years ago in Palestine they were hardly off the breast before they were expected to conform to strict behavior patterns. Little girls grew in the knowledge that they were second class citizens, forever […]

A Time for Change

A Time for Change


Every person deserves dignity, especially to be recognized as equal creations of God, as we all are. Yet we are created individually and differently, which is a huge part of the challenge presented to us by Jesus in the Second Commandment — to Love our neighbors as ourselves. The only way we are able to […]

To Whom Do We Belong?

To Whom Do We Belong?


In general, people are born into certain groups based on their personal, social, and cultural surroundings. They also voluntarily join groups based on shared occupations, beliefs, or interests. Membership in these groups influences how people think of themselves and how others think of them. (Science for All Americans, pp. 91–93). We do not choose our […]

Norman Rockwell's "Girl At Mirror" (March 6, 1954) © SEPS

Who Are We?


From an anthropological, genetic or physical perspective we are able to determine with a fair degree of accuracy that we have evolved into what we call “Homo Sapiens,” the highest order of development in the animal kingdom. This mostly agrees with Darwin, who theorized that we are animals merely in degree, through evolution. Darwin correctly […]

What is Our Purpose?

What is Our Purpose?


At the beginning of the Baltimore Catechism we are asked the question: Why did God Make me? To know him, to love Him and to serve Him so that we may be happy with Him in Heaven. These words, which are a distillation of Catholic Theology are seldom used these days, but remain the essence […]

Abba - Daddy

Abba – Daddy


Our grandchild was over for the night and she brought her dolls with her. We had no daughter so It was interesting for me to watch from a distance to see how she was caught up in the moment, a fantasy that was transformed into a reality that quickly absorbed all her senses. Before discounting […]

Affirmation and Salvation

Affirmation and Salvation


Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee approached Jesus with her sons and did him homage, wishing to ask him for something. He said to her, “What do you wish?” She answered him, “Command that these two sons of mine sit, one at your right and the other at your left, in your kingdom.” […]

Marriage - A Turning Point

Marriage – A Turning Point


Christmas has always been a season of Hope, especially for children and most especially for young children. We invest so much in our children, trying to make them happy, secure and successful. But new statistics have shown how our secular lifestyles are threatening their future, the future of society. As Christians we are not supposed […]

Come Let Us Adore Him

Come Let Us Adore Him


Adoration: The intense and greatest admiration culminating in reverent worship of the divine. Acts of homage in words of praise, prayer or gifts that express the adoring attitude of the creature in the presence of his Creator. The expression of the soul’s mystical realization of God’s presence (Smith’s Bible Dictionary, 1901). There is just one […]

Deciphering Love

Deciphering Love


“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” – Mother Teresa   “At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.” – Plato   “For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.” – Judy Garland The concept […]

What Did Jesus Write?

What Did Jesus Write?


It’s a well-known story of forgiveness in John 8, but it remains mysterious. “Teacher, this woman was caught in the very act of committing adultery.” Upon hearing this, Jesus kneels and begins to write in the sand. What was Jesus writing? Scripture doesn’t tell us, but the reactions of those in the crowd give us […]

A Case for Catholic Education

A Case for Catholic Education


The National Catholic Educational Association paints a bleak picture for Catholic education in America. There are currently only 6,568 Catholic schools remaining in the USA. During 2014 an additional 88 schools closed or consolidated, while only 27 new schools opened. About 2 million students attend Catholic schools, of which 328,000 plus are non-Catholic. This is […]