Author Archive for David Monahan

David Monahan has degrees in philosophy and theology from the Pontifical Athenum Regina Apostolorum in Rome. He writes from New England.

Outraged, Anyone?

Outraged, Anyone?


Outrage is one of the more useless categories of contemporary discourse. In fact it is anti-discourse, but no one seems to mind. The media dutifully report that “Victims’ Groups are Outraged” whenever the sub-secretary to the Council of Victims of Bad Things logs onto his twitter account and proclaims his fury at highschool reading lists, […]

How to Become a Suicide Bomber (in 3 Easy Steps!)

How to Become a Suicide Bomber (in 3 Easy Steps!)


Shortly after 9/11 an acquaintance of mine pointed out that while their cause was obviously wrong, there was something to be admired about the single minded determination with which the attackers carried out their mission. Being a devout Catholic, he even doubted that God would be harsh when judging such sincerely committed souls. The idea […]

The First Culture War

The First Culture War


The isolated ruling class in charge of a bloated government increasingly turns its back on the millennial religious traditions that had once made their nation great. Under the prods of a small cadre of activists, they strip the public square of the symbols of that old time religion. All that their ancestors revered they now […]