Tag: "Psalms"

Thinking Liturgically:  The Introit

Thinking Liturgically: The Introit


After the Confetior and a series of prayers, the priest ascends the altar and begins to read the Introit.  During High Mass, this is the set of verses that is chanted as Mass begins.  In the Ordinary Form, this is referred to as the “opening verse”, and is actually optional.  The priest might say it […]

Thinking Liturgically:  Who is Our Helper?

Thinking Liturgically: Who is Our Helper?


Why do we go to Mass?  While this might seem like an easy question, try and figure out a way to describe why we go to Mass in a quick and easy fashion.  Traditionally, it is said the point of Mass is fourfold:  that of adoration, reparation, intercession and thanksgiving.  To anyone well versed in […]

Thinking Liturgically:  The Asperges

Thinking Liturgically: The Asperges


One of the reasons I love the Extraordinary Form is that within the rite, there are a lot of lovely little ceremonies that either didn’t survive the liturgical reform, or they survived in name only.  The Asperges Me is one such ceremony.  While it is technically still available, it is one option among many, and […]

Why Go To Confession?

Why Go To Confession?


If we want to solve the crisis of the confessional, we need to begin actually teaching these principles, and begin applying them in our own confessions. In many cases, this will require a fundamentally new outlook in the way we approach this sacrament. Yet it is only fitting, as the sacrament provides us a new way to live our life.