Tag: "pro-life legislation"

40 Days for Life: Saving Lives Around the World

40 Days for Life: Saving Lives Around the World


40 Days for Life is a grassroots effort. Even as the campaign continues to grow, our headquarters team tries to visit as many 40 Days for Life locations as possible. It’s important for us to meet with you, and your fellow volunteers, at your prayerful vigil. With 297 cities in 11 countries conducting 40 Days […]

Abortion and the Morality of Exceptions Clauses in Anti-Abortion Legislation

Abortion and the Morality of Exceptions Clauses in Anti-Abortion Legislation


“No exceptions. No compromise.” That is the goal of every true pro-life citizen when it comes to abortion legislation. Rape, incest, and the life/health of the mother have been wedge issues that have been used to establish the principle for acceptable/legal abortion that have led to the more liberalized laws accounting for 55+ Million abortions […]