For Traditionalists, A Time To Listen
by Kevin M. Tierney
We may be mediocre, but with our gifts and the sacraments, we traditionalists look to rise above mediocrity. We only ask a chance a chance to let us do so.
We may be mediocre, but with our gifts and the sacraments, we traditionalists look to rise above mediocrity. We only ask a chance a chance to let us do so.
If they really want to help with these misunderstandings, the first thing they must do is the thing they will be least inclined to do: drop the moniker “radical traditionalist” and “radtrad” entirely. At best the phrase is a relic of a time that is no longer relevant. At worst, the term is creating animosity and perpetuating a growing sense of tribalism within Catholicism, especially in America.
“…let us be protectors of creation, protectors of God’s plan inscribed in nature, protectors of one another and of the environment.” – Pope Francis, March 19, 2013 Our new Holy Father spoke about our responsibility to care for and protect the environment several times in his homily on the day he was formally installed as […]