Tag: "intimacy"

Sex Is Easy

Sex Is Easy


Sex is easy. Obvious statement, so what’s the point? Birds do it. Beasts do it. Humans do it. There are those who prowl about the world pursuing sexual prey, consuming and discarding conquests like they were earning points in some sick game, attempting to satisfy a voracious carnal urge with little concern of consequence or […]

Theology of the Body Revolutionized My Marriage

Theology of the Body Revolutionized My Marriage


I can’t fully explain it, because it wasn’t what my parents tried to teach me. But this is what I learned as a child: sex is dirty. I knew, in my head, that this wasn’t true, and that sex, in its proper context, was a blessed, holy thing. But even for good Catholic girls who […]

The Commitment Differences: 5 Reasons Faith-Filled Marriages Work

The Commitment Differences: 5 Reasons Faith-Filled Marriages Work


Countless articles, memoirs and studies explore why so many marriages in our society deteriorate and ultimately fail. Just recently, a blog post at USA TODAY by Anthony D’Ambrosio gained attention for identifying the top five reasons that marriages don’t work: intimacy issues, financial strife, failure to truly connect, desire for attention, and an obsession with […]

Intimate Preparations

Intimate Preparations


“And so I take (my wife) not for any lustful motive, but I do it in singleness of heart. Be kind enough to…bring us to old age together.” Tobit 8:7 “..Now, gird up your loins and arise…”  Jer: 1:17 Which scripture verse more accurately describes how a couple should prepare for the conjugal embrace?   Praying […]