Tag: "in vitro fertilization"

A Person's a Person, No Matter How Small

A Person’s a Person, No Matter How Small


“Imagine in a thousand years someone doing IVF with a long-frozen embryo just to see what a 21st century – or, in this case, 20th century – human being was like. Just keeping them frozen – kicking the can down the road a little farther – seems wrong to me. . . . If you […]

The 'ART' Baby and God: Why IVF is Wrong

The ‘ART’ Baby and God: Why IVF is Wrong


ART: Assisted Reproductive Technology such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) A friend recently sent an article my way with this interesting headline: “Number of ‘ART’ Babies Reaches 5 Million.” The article explained that, according to statistics, there are around 1.5 million ART cycles every year with a resulting 350,000 babies. This means that the success rate […]