Tag: "gun control"

Defending the Right to Self-Defense

Defending the Right to Self-Defense


The recent spate of mass shootings has prompted President Obama and his allies in Congress to pursue new gun control laws with special urgency.  Mr. Obama is correct in sensing that the American people are ready for serious action on this issue, but he is mistaken in thinking that they are in agreement with him […]

Why Gun Control is Not the Answer

Why Gun Control is Not the Answer


In 2012 America saw some of the worst mass shootings in the history of the country — the massacre at Oikos University in Oakland, California, the tragic shooting in an Aurora, Colorado theatre, the more recent heartbreaking incident in Newtown, Connecticut, and subsequent string of shootings which have erupted since. Understandably, people are asking questions […]

How Conservatives Lost Women Voters

How Conservatives Lost Women Voters


Late last year when a presidential primary candidate was asked how he was going to reach women voters, he responded that he was polling well with women. Oh, oh. He seemed clueless about what most women really want. Once again, women were being taken for granted and once again we could lose – big time. […]