Tag: "embryonic stem cells"

Get Ready for a Busy 2014 in Bioethics

Get Ready for a Busy 2014 in Bioethics


My taskmasters at the CBC never allow me to rest on my laurels. Fresh off several years of stellar prognosticating, I am now forced to answer the question: “But what have you predicted, lately?” Okay, let’s take a look. Oh! Oh my. Please remember, the following predictions are what I see happening. They do not […]

Mini-Kidney Likely Grown from Embryonic Stem Cells, Not Skin Cells

Mini-Kidney Likely Grown from Embryonic Stem Cells, Not Skin Cells


Ever since the dawn of embryonic stem cell research, the media has rarely gotten the facts straight. Either the reporter is unaware of the scientific and moral differences between adult and embryonic stem cells or he has an agenda to push. Some news outlets were so bold as to call embryonic stem cells “early” stem […]

Stem Cell Funding Shifts Toward Ethical Research

Stem Cell Funding Shifts Toward Ethical Research


I have always said that if you want accurate information about stem cell research and its possibilities, you should be reading the business section. Anything else is probably misleading, hyped or even flat out lies. In other words, follow the money. The money will tell you what is truly promising research. The money is painting […]

What Can We Learn from the Stem Cell Debates

What Can We Learn from the Stem Cell Debates


A report from The Witherspoon Council, a newly-formed bioethics body, argues that even the noblest aspirations of the scientific enterprise must be guided by ethics and governed under political authority. The stem cell debates of the past decade and a half were among the most heated controversies about science and politics in recent memory, raising […]

People Are Silently Dying for Big Money

People Are Silently Dying for Big Money


The politically approved scientific use of human embryonic stem cells (hESC) for research and experimentation has plagued our quest for recognition of intrinsic human rights ever since the first such experiment became public in 1993. In 1998, a University of Wisconsin press release touted a discovery by UW researcher James Thomson and stated, “The dream […]

Appeal Process Moving Forward for Federal Stem Cell Funding Suit

Appeal Process Moving Forward for Federal Stem Cell Funding Suit


In 2009 two researchers filed a lawsuit claiming that new National Institutes of Health (NIH) guidelines easing restrictions on human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research are a violation the Dicky-Wicker Amendment, a budgetary amendment prohibiting federal tax dollars from being used to create or destroy human embryos for scientific research. In August 2010, district court […]

Is the U.S. Behind the Rest of the World in Advancing Embryonic Stem Cell Research?

Is the U.S. Behind the Rest of the World in Advancing Embryonic Stem Cell Research?


I am beginning to believe that it is true that Americans in general have no idea about how things really are in the rest of the world.  For example, I am sure that many in the “Occupy” crowd have no idea that they are among the richest people in the world.  And the cancellation of […]

Why Does the Catholic Church Oppose Embryonic Stem Cell Research?

Why Does the Catholic Church Oppose Embryonic Stem Cell Research?


A reader recently asked the following fantastic question about the Catholic Church teaching on embryonic stem cell research: While my views in connection with research are opposed to those of the Pope and the Catholic church, I am very open to dialogue.  Simply for the sake of clarity (and not in any way seeking to […]

Leading Biotech Company Abandons Embryonic Stem Cells

Leading Biotech Company Abandons Embryonic Stem Cells


For years, the Geron Corporation has been touting its embryonic stem cell program as the future of regenerative medicine. Just last year, it became the first company to begin human trials on a treatment derived from embryonic stem cells. This Monday, however, citing financial constraints as the primary reason, Geron announced that it has terminated these […]

Vatican Hosts International Conference on Adult Stem Cell Research

Vatican Hosts International Conference on Adult Stem Cell Research


Don’t ever let anyone tell you that the Catholic Church is “anti-science” or against stem cell research. Actually, she is very much in favor of stem cell research, so long as tiny human beings are not created, used and destroyed in the process, and now she’s putting her money where her mouth is with regard […]

The Court of Justice of the EU: No Patent  on Embryo Destroying Procedures

The Court of Justice of the EU: No Patent on Embryo Destroying Procedures


In an important and closely-monitored judgment, the Court of Luxembourg has decided, in the case C-34/10 “Oliver Brüstle v Greenpeace e.V.”, that an invention is excluded from being patented where the process requires either the prior destruction of human embryos or their use as a base material. This is applicable even if, in the patent […]

Appeals Court Lifts Research Ban on Embryonic Stem Cells

Appeals Court Lifts Research Ban on Embryonic Stem Cells


The U.S. Appeals Courts for Washington D.C. has given the green light for the destruction of human embryonic stem cells for research purposes.  The action overturns an injunction placed by a federal judge, last August, who ruled such destruction violated Congressional spending laws, in place since the 1990’s. It was a 2-1 decision and a […]