Tag: "Donald Trump"

"Don't Believe the Liberal Media"

End the Media


The press corps is the embodiment of the old establishment.

Dear America

Dear America


The presidency is bigger than the person who occupies the office. No outside enemy could have ever taken the Unites States by force. Rather, this enemy which is more clever and insidious, is attacking us from within. We are imploding as a country. Look around America, what do you see? It isn’t very pretty out […]

Divided America Flag

Violence Erupts Around U.S. Amid Large Protests Over Trump Victory


Backlash from Donald Trump’s historic election victory over Hillary Clinton began overnight Tuesday and continued into Thursday with anti-Trump protests turning into riots in several U.S. cities and hostile reaction spreading online, with liberal activist groups fueling the unrest. Clinton had told supporters in her concession speech on Wednesday to give Trump the chance to […]

US Presidential Election

“You Be You”


I sit here listening to one of my favorite reflective CD’s (Carl Herrgesell’s Reflections in the Key of Peace), playing in the background as I attempt to put little letters together and form words on a blank page. We are days away from a national election that has stirred in me an unprecedented level of both […]