Tag: "Christ"

Holy Week 2015: Sinai Pantocrator, John 15:18 Greek and English

Holy Week 2015


John 15:18

The Big Lies of Our Age Versus the Truth Found in Jesus Christ

The Big Lies of Our Age Versus the Truth Found in Jesus Christ


My father’s generation knew the Holocaust of the Nazis. The holocaust of abortion and soon euthanasia and  assisted suicide hangs over mine. Nazi propaganda Minister Josef Goebbel’s guiding maxim was “If  you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will come to believe it.”[1] The Lie was of Aryan superiority and their […]

Ecce Homo

Ecce Homo


He is alone in the dream. The stink of the jail cell dissipates and the smell of the seashore plucks at the man’s memory. He stands alone on the seashore. Small waves kiss the shore, like some nervous school girl who knows she shouldn’t but kisses a boy anyway. He thinks of the waves, then […]

The Gaze of the Crucified Christ

The Gaze of the Crucified Christ


Where did Francis’ journey to Christ begin? It began with the gaze of the crucified Jesus. With letting Jesus look at us at the very moment that he gives his life for us and draws us to himself.  If I read only those three lines from Pope Francis’ homily for the feast of St. Francis […]