Tag: "Arab Spring"

Occupy the Republic?

Occupy the Republic?


A memorable moment in the Occupy Wall Street movement this month took place in Atlanta, when Congressman John Lewis (D, GA) showed up and expressed a desire to address the assembly.  Rep. Lewis has a busy schedule, and when asked to wait his turn he walked out.  Elitist types on both ends of the political […]

Fin de Régime in Syria?

Fin de Régime in Syria?


The revolt in Syria offers great opportunities, humanitarian and geo-political. Western states should quickly and robustly seize the moment to dispatch strongman Bashar al-Assad and his accomplice. Many benefits will follow when they reach their appointed dustbin of history. Foreign: The malign but tactically brilliant Hafez al-Assad blighted the Middle East with disproportionate Syrian influence […]

Obama's Muslim Outreach 2.0: Doing Business with the Muslim Brotherhood

Obama’s Muslim Outreach 2.0: Doing Business with the Muslim Brotherhood


President Obama’s latest paean to what he calls “the Muslim world,” delivered at the State Department today, was an exercise in whistling past the graveyard of real and growing dangers and a litany of misleading statements that borders on official malpractice.   Its most important upshot is this:  The United States is now prepared to do […]