Category: Law & Justice

Tax Preparation

Another Group Targeted for IRS Scrutiny


Z STREET should be praised for pushing back.

Kermit Gosnell Convicted of First-Degree Murder

Kermit Gosnell Convicted of First-Degree Murder


A Philadelphia jury has found late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell guilty of murdering three of four babies in his capital murder trial. He is also guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the 2009 abortion death of Karnamaya Mongar, a 41-year-old legal immigrant who died when his untrained staff administered an overdose of sedatives. The jury found Gosnell […]

Memo to Christian Troops: ‘We’ve Got Your Back’

Memo to Christian Troops: ‘We’ve Got Your Back’


When NBA basketball player Jason Collins recently announced to the world that he’s sexually attracted to other men, Michelle Obama tweeted, “So proud of you, Jason Collins! This is a huge step forward for our country. We’ve got your back!” Jason even got a personal call from the president. Lovely. But even as the Obama […]

Give NOPE a Chance

Can Liberty Be Salvaged in America?


It’s time we stopped crouching to the enemy.

Religious Beliefs of Four Brothers Prompts Challenge to the HHS Mandate

Religious Beliefs of Four Brothers Prompts Challenge to the HHS Mandate


This week the Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) filed a lawsuit in the Federal District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan challenging the Obama Administration’s HHS Mandate.  The lawsuit was brought on behalf four brothers, Terrence, John, James and Christopher Nagle and their family-owned business, M&N Plastics, Inc.  The case has been assigned to […]

President Obama and 'Equality'

President Obama and ‘Equality’


As all the world surely knows by now, “equality” is the ideological key to President Obama’s domestic policies. That all people are created equal, the president says, is the “most evident of truths.” Whether that’s so or not, it is unquestionably the case that you express any reservations whatsoever about equality these days at no […]

What I Saw at the Gosnell Trial

What I Saw at the Gosnell Trial


I spent the day yesterday in Philadelphia at the trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell. The prosecution in the Gosnell murder trial seems to be nearing the conclusion of its work. A small courtroom, able to hold about 70 people, but mostly empty throughout the day, was the site yesterday of this ongoing trial that looks […]

16th Amendment Ratified - Newspaper Headline

The Progressive Income Tax Turns 100


In no time, progressives learned they could never get enough.

Abortionist Kermit Gosnell By The Numbers

Break the Gosnell Media Blackout – Friday, April 12th


Dr. Kermit Gosnell — a “barbaric” “monster” — is on trial in Philadelphia for murdering one woman and seven babies. The major TV networks and big-city newspapers want America to know nothing about it, so they are ignoring the story: a deliberate conspiracy of silence, demonstrating their intellectual and moral depravity. Kirsten Powers, a Democratic […]

North Dakota and Kansas Pave the Way for Pro-Life Legislation

North Dakota and Kansas Pave the Way for Pro-Life Legislation


If we can’t look to Washington for good news, then we can look to the states, Kansas and North Dakota in particular. Pro–lifers have been on the move in both states, and their state legislatures have responded by passing a host of pro–life bills. Let’s start with North Dakota, where the state legislature has been […]

DOMA Comes Under Fire at Supreme Court

DOMA Comes Under Fire at Supreme Court


The legislative impact of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) came under heavy fire during oral arguments before the Supreme Court yesterday, with enough justices questioning its effect to signal it may be struck down on states’ rights grounds. Meanwhile, the court’s conservative wing wondered if the “new regime” had instituted a “new world” […]

Social Justice and Pope Francis: Choosing Freedom Over Serfdom

Social Justice and Pope Francis: Choosing Freedom Over Serfdom


Society ensures social justice when it respects the dignity and the rights of the person as the proper end of society itself.

Murder Trial Begins into ‘House of Horrors’ Abortionist

Murder Trial Begins into ‘House of Horrors’ Abortionist


Abortionist Kermit Gosnell, who ran the “House of Horrors” abortion clinic in West Philadelphia that was shut down after an FBI raid in 2010, faced the jury for the first time Monday in a case with high stakes: Gosnell faces the possibility of the death sentence if found guilty. Gosnell, 72, is facing capital murder […]

GOP Elites and the Abolition of Marriage

GOP Elites and the Abolition of Marriage


Well, this is helpful. A clutch of Republican elites have run to the Supreme Court demanding the judiciary shut off debate on gay marriage. The story has predictably been front page news at the New York Times and in the world of the liberal media, the Times leading with this: More than two dozen Republicans […]

‘House of Horrors’ Abortionist Rejects Plea Bargain to Avoid Death Penalty

‘House of Horrors’ Abortionist Rejects Plea Bargain to Avoid Death Penalty


Kermit Gosnell, the late-term abortionist charged with eight counts of murder for allegedly snipping the spinal cords of newborns and overdosing one patient at his squalid Philadelphia abortion facility, has rejected a plea bargain agreement that would have spared him the death penalty if convicted. Gosnell was brought to court on Thursday from a jail […]

The Idol of "Human Rights"

The Idol of “Human Rights”


 Our first parents, endowed with every good gift and living in friendship with the benevolent Creator, yielded to the temptation to assert an autonomy that was never their own, exalting themselves over God.  Thus, as illustrated in the masterwork of St. Augustine, was the “city of men” set in conflict with the “City of God.” […]

A Catholic Third Way: Pope Benedict and the Crisis of Global Capitalism

A Catholic Third Way: Pope Benedict and the Crisis of Global Capitalism


Benedict’s vision for an alternative political economy resonates with people of all faiths and none.

Abortion and the Morality of Exceptions Clauses in Anti-Abortion Legislation

Abortion and the Morality of Exceptions Clauses in Anti-Abortion Legislation


“No exceptions. No compromise.” That is the goal of every true pro-life citizen when it comes to abortion legislation. Rape, incest, and the life/health of the mother have been wedge issues that have been used to establish the principle for acceptable/legal abortion that have led to the more liberalized laws accounting for 55+ Million abortions […]

Lincoln Presenting Emancipation Proclamation to His Cabinet

Abraham Lincoln and Slavery


He insisted for three decades that slavery was a moral evil.

Dr. Benjamin Carson - National Prayer Breakfast 2013

God for Obamacare … Dr. Ben Carson’s Heresy


Liberals are apoplectic over remarks by Dr. Ben Carson at the National Prayer Breakfast. Carson, a prominent pediatric surgeon from Johns Hopkins University, dared to weigh in on healthcare—something he knows something about. In the liberal mind, Carson committed a grave transgression; he disagreed with President Obama on healthcare at a faith venue, and in […]

Defending the Right to Self-Defense

Defending the Right to Self-Defense


The recent spate of mass shootings has prompted President Obama and his allies in Congress to pursue new gun control laws with special urgency.  Mr. Obama is correct in sensing that the American people are ready for serious action on this issue, but he is mistaken in thinking that they are in agreement with him […]

Book Review: <em>Liberty: The God that Failed</em>

Book Review: Liberty: The God that Failed


The narrative some have come to trust from talk radio or from public personalities like Pat Buchanan, Justice Antonin Scalia or libertarians such as Ron Paul and Lew Rockwell, is that it is in our best interest to return to the vision of the American Founding Fathers, who, in their estimate, were God-fearing men, lovers […]

Union vs. Constitution: Farewell to Apostate America, Part 4

Union vs. Constitution: Farewell to Apostate America, Part 4


In 1961, three months before Barack Obama’s birth, President John F. Kennedy gave a speech to members of the media.  There is, said he, “little value in ensuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it.”[1]   Does JFK’s assertion apply today?  In my judgment it is both pertinent and accurate, given […]

The Roe Enigma: What the Pew Survey Tells Us

The Roe Enigma: What the Pew Survey Tells Us


On January 16, in preparation for the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, the Pew Research Foundation issued the results of a 1,502 person survey dealing with abortion and the attitudes of those surveyed. The findings are of interest for many reasons, including the level of ignorance that has overcome the discussion of decriminalized abortion over the course […]