Category: Government & Politics

When Winston Warned America: Churchill's "Iron Curtain" at 65

When Winston Warned America: Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” at 65


It was 65 years ago, March 5, 1946, when Winston Churchill delivered his “Iron Curtain” speech in Fulton, Missouri. It was a speech that rocked the world and changed history. By then, Churchill was no longer British prime minister. He and his conservatives had been replaced by Clement Attlee and the Labour Party, which busily nationalized […]

Mosques Flourish in America; Churches Perish in Muslim World

Mosques Flourish in America; Churches Perish in Muslim World


As Muslims prepare to erect a mega-mosque near the site of the 9/11 atrocities, it is well to reflect that the sort of tolerance, or indifference, that allows them to do so, is far from reciprocated to churches in the Muslim world. I speak not of Islamist attacks against churches—such as the New Year attack […]

Huawei? No way

Huawei? No way


Last summer, a Chinese telecommunications giant founded by a former People’s Liberation Army (PLA) engineer was rebuffed in its effort to sell vast quantities of equipment to Sprint Nextel – an American company that provides communication services to the U.S. Defense Department and other government agencies.  An interagency group known as the Committee on Foreign […]

Hiding Out at the Clock Tower Resort

Hiding Out at the Clock Tower Resort


Driving up to Madison, Wisconsin, on Interstate 90, from Chicago’s O’Hare airport on business last week, a colleague pointed out the Clock Tower Resort as we passed through Rockford, Illinois. This establishment was recently elevated to the status of a historic landmark by the Wisconsin Democratic senators who decamped there with the aim of blocking […]

Political Home for Catholics Hard to Find

Political Home for Catholics Hard to Find


Writing recently about Rick Santorum’s quest to become the Republican presidential nominee in 2012, George Will remarked that Santorum’s chances depend on social conservatives who currently feel ignored and would be naturally sympathetic to someone like the former GOP senator from Pennsylvania. I venture no opinion on Santorum’s prospects. But about the present condition of […]

Gaddafi's Fin de Régime

Gaddafi’s Fin de Régime


The violent demise of the Middle East’s longest-ruling leader – who came to office in September 1969, just a few months after Richard Nixon – stands well outside the mainstream of the region’s politics, but then Moammer Gaddafi always did. Gaddafi (for the record, the correct spelling of his name is Mu’ammar al-Qadhdhfi) began his […]

Scandalous Air Tanker Decision: Despite Corruption, EADS Favored Over U.S.-Based Boeing

Scandalous Air Tanker Decision: Despite Corruption, EADS Favored Over U.S.-Based Boeing


Within days, the Obama Pentagon is expected to decide which supplier to rely upon for what is, arguably, the cornerstone of America’s ability to project power for the next forty years: the next generation aerial refueling tanker known as the KC-X.  The choice for this role – which is worth conservatively $40 billion – would […]

Bloated Budgets Endanger Freedom

Bloated Budgets Endanger Freedom


Inside the beltway, discussion of President Obama’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2012 has provoked the “Sturm und Drang” that we have come to expect in the polarized partisan atmosphere that predominates in Washington. The President maintains that his $3.7 trillion proposal – which would produce a $1.6 trillion deficit this year (the largest since […]

Egypt's Chance

Egypt’s Chance


If developments in Egypt have gone as well as one could hope for, future prospects remain unclear. The exciting part is over, now come the worries. Let’s start with three pieces of good news: Hosni Mubarak, Egypt’s strongman who appeared on the brink of fomenting disaster, fortunately resigned. The Islamists, who would push Egypt in […]

The Egyptian Revolution: Evidence of Blessing

The Egyptian Revolution: Evidence of Blessing


Bobby Kennedy often noted the inscription chiseled by a conscripted worker into one of the building blocks of the Great Pyramid, “none had the courage to stand up and speak out.”  Recently, it seems, a salutary change has taken place in the Egyptian character.  No longer are they afraid to defy unjust decrees and egocentric, […]

Rwandan Genocide Redux

Rwandan Genocide Redux


Not too many years ago, 800,000 Rwandans perished when their country descended into a bloody civil war. Now their government, with the encouragement of groups funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, appears poised to launch a nationwide sterilization campaign that may have equally disastrous demographic consequences. The plan calls for 700,000 men to […]

Of Morlocks and Black Swans

Of Morlocks and Black Swans


Two books that should top any reading list for progressives who believe in “winning the future” by waging war against its current inhabitants are H. G. Wells’ classic The Time Machine and Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s The Black Swan. The former’s narrative has entered the culture, especially through a film version that appeared in 1960, starring […]

Soldiers are People, Too

Soldiers are People, Too


I had a good dose of reality the other night. I went to a Family Readiness Briefing with our oldest son, Matt. His brigade is being deployed soon and so the National Guard arranged a meeting to inform and support the soldiers and families as they prepare. As I looked around the auditorium, I saw […]

Pres. Ronald Reagan

The Truth About Ronald Reagan’s Mind—and Memory


Ron Reagan, son of the late president, continues to get attention because of speculation in his new book that his father may have begun experiencing Alzheimer’s Disease during his presidency. Ron cites two examples where his father seemed confused or forgetful, one as early as 1984 and another from 1986. Ron’s speculation ignited a very […]

Obama: Friend of Shariah

Obama: Friend of Shariah


Like ordinary folks, presidents of the United States are known by the company they keep.  It is a test of their character.  Often it shapes their policies.  And, in the case of Barack Obama, it may blight his legacy and our nation’s security interests. Until now, one of the most egregious examples of the problem […]

The Muslim Brotherhood: The Enemy in Its Own Words

The Muslim Brotherhood: The Enemy in Its Own Words


As Egypt lurches towards the end of Hosni Mubarak’s regime, one way or another – by “an orderly transition to democratic rule” (as Hillary Clinton delicately puts it), through violent overthrow or simply through the demise of the ailing 82-year-old president – much is unclear. One thing that should not be is that the Muslim […]