Category: Featured

Movie Review: <em>WARRIOR</em>

Movie Review: WARRIOR


In an emotionally charged scene, Tom Conlon, seated at a slot machine, is shouting at his father, Paddy Conlon. With a pleading tone, Paddy is patiently trying to empathize and reconnect with his son. Tom will have none of it, and tells his father it’s too late, lamenting how his dad wasn’t the father he needed […]

Reading Between the Lines

Reading Between the Lines


When reading Western reports dealing with Islam, one must learn to read between the lines. Many of these reports do state the actual facts; but without providing proper context, Western readers are often left to interpret the information according to their own understandings. One example: the ubiquitous term “sectarian strife” to describe Muslim-Christian clashes in […]

Emergency Planning for Perishables or Make Ice Now!

Emergency Planning for Perishables or Make Ice Now!


As hurricane Irene bears down upon the east coast, many people are anticipating how to get by without power for some days. Yesterday I wrote about preparations regarding water: Emergency Water: Store it Now! This will focus on dealing with the perishable foods you already have on hand when you are anticipating an event that […]

China Dupes: Excusing the One-Child Policy

China Dupes: Excusing the One-Child Policy


Vice President Joe Biden made the news again this week. Three weeks ago, Biden was in the news because of reports he had denounced Tea Party members as “terrorists,” a claim his spokespeople have attempted to deny. This week, Biden was in the news because he did not denounce the communist Chinese for their vicious […]

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New Evangelization for Every Catholic


A man I know was sitting on a boardwalk bench several weeks ago watching the ocean and thinking about nothing special. Two young men, maybe 18 or 20, came up and sat down beside him. The one nearest him leaned over and said: “Excuse me, sir, do you mind if I ask you a question?” […]

Emergency Water: Store it Now!

Emergency Water: Store it Now!


I notice on Facebook people are talking about getting ready for hurricane Irene and storing supplies. An emergency that gives you days of warning to prepare is my favorite kind. Unfortunately though, emergencies don’t always give us warning like that. So let’s take a clue from our collective attention to this storm bearing down on […]

Will There be Zombies? Part 2

Will There be Zombies? Part 2


I could go on with this analysis [see Part 1] through system after system, but I think you get the idea, and I would like to turn our attention to another and more serious problem, namely the problem of culture and religion. It is here, I believe, that we confront a situation for which there […]

Book Review <em>Invisible World</em>

Book Review Invisible World


How many unfinished books do you have lying around the house? One, two, maybe even half a dozen? I used to think it was just me, but then someone mentioned her stack of unfinished books and I realized that there were more people “out there” that suffered through the same dreadful, almost embarrassing, book-reading experience […]

Flash Mobbing King’s Dream

Flash Mobbing King’s Dream


Every black person apprehended for robbing stores in a flash mob should have their court hearing not in front of a judge but facing the 30-foot statute of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at his Washington memorial site. Each thief should be asked, “What do you think Dr. King would say to you right now?” […]

Kaleidoscopic GOP Primary Still Turning

Kaleidoscopic GOP Primary Still Turning


I have been flogging the kaleidoscope metaphor to describe the Republican presidential primary. Given all that is happening, or about to happen, in the pachyderm dust-up, I think it still works. Turning, turning, the GOP battle is making things very interesting in these early days of the endless campaign of 2012. Colorful and chaotic shapes, […]

The Oppression of an All-Girls Dorm

The Oppression of an All-Girls Dorm


My name is Kay (“Hello, Kay”) and I was oppressed for four years of my life by being forced to endure a same-sex dorm.  No matter that I chose this college for the very reason it had same sex dorms — those persons wishing to sue Catholic University of America for sexism because of CUA’s decision […]

<em>WARRIOR</em>: A Fight Film Like No Other

WARRIOR: A Fight Film Like No Other


WARRIOR’s story is a gripping, won’t-let-you-go study of what it means to fight for noble causes, what it means to love, forgive, and find redemption.

It’s the Spending, Stupid: A Crucial Historical Look at Federal Spending

It’s the Spending, Stupid: A Crucial Historical Look at Federal Spending


We have failed to heed the lessons of economic history, with terrible consequences for our economy and country. And the most crucial of those lessons, particularly since the start of LBJ’s Great Society, is this: deficits have been caused not by a lack of income-tax increases but by recession and, most of all, by excessive […]

Evangelizing Our Kids

Evangelizing Our Kids


What does Scripture say to parents about evangelizing their children? At what age of the child should parents begin? One day, the Pharisees tested Jesus with an important question – of all 613 of the Bible’s laws, which is most important?  The Lord quickly shot back a response: “you shall love the Lord your God […]

friends, friendship

A Parenting Question about Teen Chastity


I ask you to share your wisdom. How have you walked this line of taking a strong stance against having sex before marriage while being pro-life and supporting those who have children out-of-wedlock?

Values Voters Are Still In The Game

Values Voters Are Still In The Game


In these difficult economic times, both sides of the political aisle are desperate to convince the American people that they are the party with the best plan for pulling America out of recession.  As the GOP field of serious presidential contenders finally begins to clarify, the prevailing assumption is that whoever challenges President Obama for […]

Six Opportunities for Young Adults in a Tough Economy

Six Opportunities for Young Adults in a Tough Economy


Our tough economy does have opportunities for young people just graduating or seeking that first real job. How do I know? I was twenty-something during the last bad economy. My friends and I struggled to find our way, sometimes to find ANY job, let alone THE job for which we had trained or hoped to […]

Research: US and UN Diplomats Promoted Abortion as Population Control

Research: US and UN Diplomats Promoted Abortion as Population Control


The new book by journalist Mara Hvistendahl on sex selected abortion (Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls, and the Consequences of a World Full of Men) shows how American diplomats and politicians were active in promoting abortion, often through UN channels, as a means of population control in the developing world.  A body of historical evidence connects the […]

The Pope and the Disabled Meet in Madrid

The Pope and the Disabled Meet in Madrid


Among the groups honored by an audience with the Holy Father during World Youth Day, was a group of sick and disabled youth from St Joseph’s Hospital. Like the seminarians, university professors, and women religious, the Holy Father wanted to remind them of their vital importance in the life of the Church. This may surprise […]

Gift from Pope John Paul II for Persecuted WYD11 Pilgrims

Gift from Pope John Paul II for Persecuted WYD11 Pilgrims


Rosaries and medals blessed by Pope John Paul II were given to young Catholics from persecuted countries at World Youth Day. Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), which held an exhibition about Christian persecution as part of World Youth Day’s cultural program in Madrid, gave the blessed objects to visitors to the […]

Libya and the Doctrine of Justifiable Rebellion

Libya and the Doctrine of Justifiable Rebellion


Does an armed plebiscite constitute an ethical tool of democracy?  The victory of the rebels in Libya (August 2011) calls to mind the old controversy about revolution, and whether citizens can rightly rebel against their long established government.  Insofar as the revolt against Muammar Gaddafi escalated into six months of civil war, Libya (as distinguished […]

What Letterman Should Say

What Letterman Should Say


After receiving a threat from al Qaeda for making fun of Muslim terrorists on the “Late Show,” David Letterman has gone mum. Catholic League president Bill Donohue recommends he issue the following statement immediately:   Though I never mentioned Muslims or Islam in my June 8 monologue, I received a serious death threat from al […]

Reflections for Sunday, August 28, 2011

Reflections for Sunday, August 28, 2011


Meditation and Questions for Reflection or Group Discussion        (Jeremiah 20:7-9; Psalm 63:2-6,8-9; Romans 12:1-2; Matthew 16:21-27)  Allowing Our Minds to be Renewed by the Holy Spirit  “You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.” (Matthew 16:23) Can you imagine being in Peter’s position? Jesus just called you the rock on […]

<em>Ark of Grace</em>: Ch.2, Mary, the Ark of the New Covenant

Ark of Grace: Ch.2, Mary, the Ark of the New Covenant


Chapter 2 Mary, the Ark of the New Covenant The meaning of Sacred Scripture has been placed there by the Holy Spirit. This has been done in such way that we will never be able to plumb the depths of wisdom that can be found in the Bible. With the eyes of faith we are […]