Category: The Catholic Family

Get Government out of Student-Debt Business

Get Government out of Student-Debt Business


As millions of students and their parents are preparing for life after commencement, they’re also preparing to deal with massive student loans. Increasingly, people are concerned about the student debt situation brewing on college campuses. The present state of student debt is not a pretty picture. According to a report published by the New York […]

Real Men Pray the Rosary

Real Men Pray the Rosary


Just as it is helpful for women to talk to women now and again regarding the spiritual life, the same holds true for men! David N. Calvillo’s book, Real Men Pray the Rosary: A Practical Guide to a Powerful Prayer, is a forthright conversation with men (and us women who sneak a peek) about his own […]

Some Parents Don't Always Know Best

Some Parents Don’t Always Know Best


To: Marybeth From: Not Crazy About Carpools This question might be filed under, “What are these people thinking?” My high school freshman got a ride home from a recent sporting event from a teammate’s parent. The conversation in the car turned to a high school party that took place a couple of weeks ago where […]

Reasons to be Open to Motherhood

Reasons to be Open to Motherhood


A fellow writer recently asked somebody to write something positive about motherhood. She said “Some of us not-yet-moms are scared of motherhood because all we hear is that you’re miserable and debilitated for nine months, then have a day of the most excruciating pain ever, then you don’t sleep for 18 years and everybody’s throwing […]

The Power of Secrets

The Power of Secrets


We all walk around with secrets. I’m not sure if I should thank God for that aspect of human nature. Some of them are good secrets. They remain unspoken for a variety of reasons. Perhaps we’re afraid people might think we are foolish or unreasonable for harboring thoughts of something we can never achieve or […]

Social Media in the Marriage and the Family

Social Media in the Marriage and the Family


“I’m not that interested in ‘mass’ communications. I’m much more interested in what happens between this person and the one person watching. The space between the television set and that person who’s watching is very holy ground.” – Fred Rogers The traditional family unit has been negatively hit from so many directions in our world […]

Dating and Discernment

Dating and Discernment


Question: Hi Mary! I’m 16, and discerning. At the moment, I feel God wants me as a sister, but I’m still unsure. There’s a guy I know who has expressed his interest in me, and I feel the same way. I’ve asked several people if it would be wrong to date if I felt drawn […]

Give NOPE a Chance

Can Liberty Be Salvaged in America?


It’s time we stopped crouching to the enemy.

(Trying to) Love Our Moms Like Jesus Loves Mary

(Trying to) Love Our Moms Like Jesus Loves Mary


Around Mother’s Day, all of the card and flower commercials will say something to this effect: “Your mother was in labor with you for 2½ weeks, so now you should thank her by spending $19.95 on our Flowers-by-Mail.” They tell us that we should honor our moms at least once a year. We all know […]

What I Love About You, Mom

What I Love About You, Mom


Imagine giving your mother a gift that is born of the emotions in your own heart and hand-created simply for her, to share not only the love you feel, but the many ways in which she has touched and shaped your life. You may think you’re not creative enough to come up with such a […]

A Case Against Abstinence

A Case Against Abstinence


I don’t really like abstinence. Wait. What? I certainly think restraint is valuable–I resist the kind of trips where you go to Target for two things and come out with ten. I try not to eat meat on Fridays. I teach Natural Family Planning (NFP). In some cases, however, particularly the case of sexuality, abstinence […]

No One Prays Like a Mom

No One Prays Like a Mom


God gives Moms big hearts because He knows they’re going to need them. Especially when the Mom in question happens to live in a family full of jokesters. Take our family, where the Jokester-in-Chief is none other than Dad himself. One time Mom went down to the basement to do a load of laundry and […]

Three Days: The Search for the Boy Messiah

Three Days: The Search for the Boy Messiah


When you fall in love, you want to spend as much time together as possible and learn all you can about your loved one.  For author Chris Stepien, his ebook Three Days: The Search for the Boy Messiah was about love.  His love of God led Stepien to want to know him better. His love […]

My Inheritance

My Inheritance


The great 20th century novelist Chaim Potok wrote, in his novel, My Name Is Asher Lev, “You have a gift, Asher Lev. You have a responsibility.” My Mom had a gift of 89 years, 89 years to live her life; 89 years to meet her goals; 89 years. This gift of time, for Mom, for […]

Tactful Response to Untactful Garb

Tactful Response to Untactful Garb


To: Marybeth From: Irritated Aunt My 13-year-old son will be confirmed in a solemn ceremony at our church. We have invited our extended families to join us for the confirmation and, afterward, for a nice dinner in our son’s honor. We would like everyone to dress appropriately (and modestly) for the occasion, but I’m certain […]

Great Expectations

Great Expectations


The Huffington Post must have known the publication of “My Wife Is Expecting Twins and I Am Not Happy About It” would cause waves. Tsunami-level waves, where people were aghast to read paragraphs like this one: Two blessings, two bundles of joy. How could you not be happy, you ask? Of course I’m sympathetic to […]

Plan B and Your Fifteen Year Old

Plan B and Your Fifteen Year Old


A few days ago the FDA announced its decision to lower the age for access to over-the-counter emergency birth control from 17 to 15. It used to be that if minors needed speed-dial abortions they would have to see a doctor for a prescription. Since most minors can’t get to the doctor without a parent being […]

The Excitement at Mass

The Excitement at Mass


My husband is so lucky that we only have girls. Whenever we’re out someplace public like the zoo, Legoland, a grocery store, or church, and a child has to go to the bathroom, it’s automatically the female parent who has to take her.  Lucky me. This especially came in handy (for my husband) at church […]

Is it the Book or is it Me?

Is it the Book or is it Me?


Forget diet secrets and extreme makeovers.  Struggling homeschool moms have a more pressing question on the mind: Will a new curriculum solve my problems? Maybe I’ve been using the wrong book.  Maybe, like the catalog promises, my kids really can learn the state capitals, speak fluent Spanish, and master organic chemistry, all for just $189.95.  […]

Pray, Hope and Don't Worry? A Catholic Mom’s Guide to Trusting God

Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry? A Catholic Mom’s Guide to Trusting God


“Forgive me, Father, for I have worried.” Even when I’m behind the screen, I am sure that my priest knows that it’s me – that parishioner with N.A.P.S. (Nutty, Anxious Parent Syndrome). Worrying is my hobby. I worry about the economy, politics and toy recalls. I practically obsess over germs and the weather, especially during […]

I See Love in Myself and in Others

I See Love in Myself and in Others


Every day, I look in the mirror and am not sure I know the man looking back at me. He looks familiar. But his hair is grayer than I remember, his beard white instead of brown, the face a bit fleshier and showing some lines. The man I see is older than I expect — […]

Green Mom: Caring for God's Creation

Green Mom: Caring for God’s Creation


“…let us be protectors of creation, protectors of God’s plan inscribed in nature, protectors of one another and of the environment.” – Pope Francis, March 19, 2013 Our new Holy Father spoke about our responsibility to care for and protect the environment several times in his homily on the day he was formally installed as […]

Silence the Voices

Silence the Voices


More often than not in life we remember criticisms more than we remember compliments. When someone asks me to recall the last time I received a compliment it takes me at least twice as long to recall than if someone asked me to regurgitate the last insult or criticism thrown my way. Chances are that […]

Teenagers and Violent Video Games

Teenagers and Violent Video Games


To: Marybeth From: Nonviolent Video Mom My son wants to play the same video games his friends play, but I’m concerned they are violent. He’s 15 and says I’m too strict about this issue; he’s not going to become a deranged killer by playing war games. Are violent video games really a problem? To: Nonviolent […]