Category: Life Issues & Bioethics

Conscience Protections Moving Wrong Way in US

Conscience Protections Moving Wrong Way in US


Catholic scholars are up in arms about the latest interim rule issued by the Department of Health and Human Services, which is alleged to provide First Amendment protections to religious entities involved in health care, health insurance, and other programs impacted by the mandated distribution of contraception. In a letter signed by more than 20 […]

Catholic News Service Puff Piece on Partial-birth Abortion Supporter?

Catholic News Service Puff Piece on Partial-birth Abortion Supporter?


A confusing article — to say the least — has been published by Catholic News Service: a puff piece on Labor Secretary Hilda Solis. From an August 30 interview: The office of Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis includes images of Our Lady of Guadalupe, a glass crucifix and a sculpture of Mary and Jesus. Her […]

Ten Years Later: Another Call to Fulltime Pro-life Work

Ten Years Later: Another Call to Fulltime Pro-life Work


General George S. Patton, Jr., in his 1926 essay, “The Secret of Victory,” wrote, “The secret of victory lies not wholly in knowledge. It lurks invisible in that vitalizing spark, intangible, yet as evident as the lightning — the warrior soul. The fixed determination to acquire the warrior soul, and having acquired it to either […]

Donnybrook Over Homosexual Rights Expected in General Assembly

Donnybrook Over Homosexual Rights Expected in General Assembly


Fresh off of what they hailed as a “historic” human rights victory, homosexual activists are expected to aggressively push their agenda in the UN General Assembly set to convene later this month. Last June a small number of Member States of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva passed a non-binding resolution calling for a […]

Obama Admin: Catholic Church Spreads “Homophobia” in Poland

Obama Admin: Catholic Church Spreads “Homophobia” in Poland


While surveying the landscape for inroads to push the homosexual agenda into Poland, American embassy officials under the Obama administration complained that the Catholic Church teaching is a major source of “homophobia” in the heavily Catholic country, according to private cables recently published by Wikileaks. The cables from the American embassy in Warsaw, marked “sensitive […]

Heaven Help the Aged

Heaven Help the Aged


They say there are only two sure things in life: death and taxes.  Thanks to unbelievable gains in medical technology in recent years however, most Americans are now able to delay the former inevitability for decades longer than their ancestors.  Because of this, at a time when America’s real estate industry is struggling, there’s one […]

A Lesson on Birth Control from… Moses?

A Lesson on Birth Control from… Moses?


I recently renewed a friendship with a long-lost high school friend on Facebook and was surprised by her rather liberal views on politics and religion.  After all, we had both attended a Catholic high school, although she is Episcopalian.  At first, I thought that perhaps I should move on as our world views were so […]

Sexual Anarchy

Sexual Anarchy


In Batman, the Joker rhetorically asks a young Bruce Wayne: “Tell me, kid — you ever danced with the devil by the pale moonlight?” Well, I have. Not by the pale moonlight, but in a brightly lit Four Points Sheraton in Baltimore, Md. On Wednesday, Aug. 17, I — along with the venerable child advocate […]

Why Not Sterilize Drug Addicts?

Why Not Sterilize Drug Addicts?


Not too long ago I came across a news piece on the mission of Barbara Harris, a woman who started a group called Project Prevention which offers $300 cash to drug addicts if they agree to get on “long term” birth control. According to their most recent statistics, they have paid 3,848 addicts, with tubal […]

The Problem With the UN’s New Fertility Forecasts

The Problem With the UN’s New Fertility Forecasts


The UN has reversed a decade of speculation about a demographic winter in the West, and now says that every country will achieve replacement fertility by 2100 resulting in a global population of 10 billion. The problem is there is no basis for their turnabout.  UN agencies are hailing new numbers as evidence of overpopulation […]

Planned Parenthood's Construction Job

Planned Parenthood’s Construction Job


The headlines are teeming with the news that in one state after another, Planned Parenthood is falling prey to common sense. In Arizona the world-famous preborn-baby-killing company has had to stop aborting babies in three of its facilities. According to news reports, “[W]omen will no longer be able to terminate their pregnancies at the Planned […]

Research: US and UN Diplomats Promoted Abortion as Population Control

Research: US and UN Diplomats Promoted Abortion as Population Control


The new book by journalist Mara Hvistendahl on sex selected abortion (Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls, and the Consequences of a World Full of Men) shows how American diplomats and politicians were active in promoting abortion, often through UN channels, as a means of population control in the developing world.  A body of historical evidence connects the […]

The Pope and the Disabled Meet in Madrid

The Pope and the Disabled Meet in Madrid


Among the groups honored by an audience with the Holy Father during World Youth Day, was a group of sick and disabled youth from St Joseph’s Hospital. Like the seminarians, university professors, and women religious, the Holy Father wanted to remind them of their vital importance in the life of the Church. This may surprise […]

Book Review: <em>Unnatural Selection</em>, Part two

Book Review: Unnatural Selection, Part two


How “Complicit” is the UN in Asia’s Sex Selective Abortion Crisis? A new book has raised hackles among abortion advocates about just how much the UN Population Fund is to blame for more than 160 million missing girls in Asia: aborted in the quest for sons.   Mara Hvistendahl’s Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls, and the […]

Consumerism in the Womb

Consumerism in the Womb


It was with a heavy heart that I read a recent article in the New York Times about an expectant mother’s decision to have one of her twins killed in utero. The sadness that this entire episode evokes is compounded by the reality of how America came to a place where such a story could be […]

U.N. Climate Models Flawed -- Grossly Exaggerate Warming Effect

U.N. Climate Models Flawed — Grossly Exaggerate Warming Effect


We have all heard, ad nauseam, about the so-called “greenhouse effect.” Even little children can tell you how the build up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere traps heat by increasing humidity and thickening the cloud layer. Except that it doesn’t — at least to the degree that the U.N climate models have been programmed […]

Book Review: <i>Unnatural Selection</i>, Part one

Book Review: Unnatural Selection, Part one


Shattering Myths About Sex Selective Abortion One night in 1978 a student in Delhi’s most prestigious obstetrics program reported for his first delivery. Just then he saw a cat bound from the hospital room with a “thing…wet with blood, mangled” in its mouth. Unfazed, the doctors and nurses went on to perform more abortions than […]

Are Human Rights Mere Words

Are Human Rights Mere Words


Recently we reprinted an outstanding article entitled “The Erosion of Human Rights” that had been published in the Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano. The author, Carlo V. Bellieni, addresses the horrific practice that involves doctors who are denying basic care and treatment to newborn children. Bellieni referred to researcher Michael Gross who conducted a study of […]

An International Right to Die?

An International Right to Die?


[Last] week the UN’s working group on aging [met] in New York. On the agenda [was] consideration of a new treaty for older persons. UN statistics show that the number of people over 60 will double by 2050 and be even higher in the developing world–63% to 78%. One out of four will be women, who […]

The Real Population Bomb

The Real Population Bomb


In 1968, Stanford biologist Paul R. Erlich opened his bestselling book, “The Population Bomb,” with this declaration: “The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970s and 1980s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now. At this late date nothing can […]

Driving Carhart Out

Driving Carhart Out


On Saturday night, July 30, I was privileged to deliver the keynote address at the kick-off rally of the “Summer of Mercy 2.0.” (Click here to listen to the talk) This nine-day event in Germantown, MD focuses on stopping the child-killing business of LeRoy Carhart, late-term abortionist. He does abortions through the second and into […]

USCCB: HHS Must Think Catholics are Fools

USCCB: HHS Must Think Catholics are Fools


The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) sharply criticized a new HHS “preventive services” mandate requiring private health plans to cover sterilization and all FDA-approved contraceptives, including drugs which can abort a child before and after implantation in the womb, with no co-pay. “Although this new rule gives the agency the discretion to authorize a […]

When Did the Redefinition of Marriage Really Happen?

When Did the Redefinition of Marriage Really Happen?


New York is now the fifth state in which activist judges have imposed legalized homosexual marriage.  Conservatives are once again lamenting this historic “redefinition of marriage.” But they’re wrong.  The historic redefinition of marriage took place at the seventh Lambeth conference in 1930 when the Anglican Church made it licit for its members intentionally to […]

AIDS and Population Control: Increasing Women's Risk

AIDS and Population Control: Increasing Women’s Risk


with Jennifer I Kimball, Be.L. Thirty years after the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported the first US case of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), the disease continues to stretch its shroud of death across the world. This, despite the billions of dollars that have been invested in the development of vaccines, spent on anti-retroviral […]