Category: Science

Why the Believer Knows More About Science

Why the Believer Knows More About Science


If I had to name the most important topics in science during our time, they would probably be evolutionary biology, cosmology, particle physics, and psychology to understand the human person better. However, if I had to name the most important issue in science today, it would be something more over-arching. It would be the general issue of […]

Atoms Are Imaginary

Atoms Are Imaginary


“For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall understand fully, even as I have been fully understood”  — 1 Corinthians 13:12. A group of atheists in Colorado are putting up the newest version of their billboard messages, this time proclaiming that “God […]

Science Works, Just like Theology Said It Would

Science Works, Just like Theology Said It Would


University of Chicago biologist Jerry Coyne has an interesting post over at his blog “Why Evolution Is True,” which hits on something I care a lot about: science and religion.  Specifically whether they go together or not. Coyne mentions two posts from the New York Times blogs, one against naturalism and one in favor of […]

The Spiritual Side of <em>Life</em>

The Spiritual Side of Life


Science and art are not as distant from one another as it might seem. I suggest that one of the reasons “science nerds” also tend to be the “fantasy nerds” is that they are attracted to the same thing: fantastical worlds full of myriad laws and multifarious beings, whose interactions cannot be determined in advance, […]