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Breaking Open the Word at Home: 5th Sunday of Lent

The Church professes Christian parents to be the “first” teachers of the faith and calls them to be the “best” teachers of the faith (The Rite of Infant Baptism). Godparents agree to assist in this ministry of parents. This resource from Catholic Lane is to assist you, parent or godparent, with using the Sunday Mass readings to teach the Catholic Faith and live the Catholic Faith as a family.

April 7th, 2019: Fifth Sunday of Lent: Isaiah 43:16-21, Psalm 126, Philippians 3:8-14, John 8:1-11 [1]


The Prophet Isaiah announces God is doing something new. The Psalm reminds us that everything God does for us is a blessing and a source of joy.

Saint Paul’s letter to the Philippians demonstrates that the blessing we should desire above all else is to know and love Jesus Christ.

The Gospel is a beautiful display of Christ’s compassion, love, and forgiveness; it is the story of the woman caught in adultery.


These readings provide an opportunity for exploring the reality of sin in our life and God’s mercy. “CCC” refers to the Catechism of the Catholic Church:


Bookmark Catholiclane.com for future Sunday Mass Readings for the Ministry of Parents and Godparents