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Be With Me

I wish you could have been at Bethlehem.
You could have held Me and kept Me warm.
And I would have smiled at you.
You probably would not have wanted to hand Me back to My mother.

I wish you could have been with us at Cana.
My mother was there.
I made some really fine wine, and
We could have shared a cup together.

I wish you could have been at the Last Supper with Me,
When I ordained men, My apostles, My priests, and
We could have broken bread together, and
Then you could have received Me, totally, in My Eucharist.

I wish you could have been at the foot of the Cross,
With My mother and John, My priest.
You could have tried to comfort me and
I would have told you how much I love you.

I wish you could have been there on the mountain,
When I ascended into Heaven.
There I sent My priests, My apostles, to the world,
And where they are now I am there in person.

I wish you could have been at the tomb
That first Easter morn.
When the stone moved,
You would have been blown away by My Sonrise.

But all those times are past,
Gone now.
Still, I wish you will be with Me here, and
I will be with you, in person.

I wish you could be with Me at My Mass,
When My sacrifice is again presented to My Father.
I am there in person in My priest.
You can come, be with Me, and receive Me.

This Holy Sacifice of Mine
Is not only time past.
This time is now, and I am here in person.
Be with Me.